P. 13
le Revolution
Delivering a Cleaner,
Stronger America

The Economic Benefits of the Shale Revolution
and the Consequences of Ending it

On December 22, 2019 the Global Scan to view that consider the economic benefits of hydraulic
Energy Institute of the US the study on fracturing, the consequences of ending it, and the
Chamber of Commerce unveiled the AmCham South impact on the U.S. economy and seven specific
results of a study that calculates the China's website states (Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio,
benefits of hydraulic fracturing for Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin).
oil and natural gas for our nation.
The results show that America’s The report finds the United States is benefiting
shale revolution is essential to greatly from the shale energy revolution. If hydraulic
thousands of jobs and billions fracturing is banned in America, the report finds:
of dollars in economic growth.
The report comes as Presidential • More than 19 million jobs would be lost by 2025.
candidates and activist groups • $3.7 trillion in American household income would
have called for a ban on hydraulic be lost from 2021-2025.
fracturing, with several candidates • $7.1 trillion to the U.S. economy would be lost and
promising a ban if elected. $1.9 trillion less in tax revenue would be collected
by the federal, state, and local governments over the
The study is the next in the same period.
Global Energy Institute’s Energy
Accountability Series and examines America today is cleaner and stronger due to
“What If…Hydraulic Fracturing increases in domestic oil and natural gas production
Was Banned.” It includes a national made possible by hydraulic fracturing and advances
report and a series of state profiles in energy technology.■

Article and image from US
Chamber of Commerce

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