P. 25
Business and SPACE
OURCES Exports will play
government a growing role

must innovate Trend: Commercial aerospace
exports will trend up over the
to protect the next three years while defense
aerospace exports are also expected
environment Trend: In New to grow, though less rapidly. Globally, the
U.S. has enjoyed historic international
York last month, defense sales over the past decade. Sales
of aviation platforms and missile defense
world leaders called for systems, predominantly to allies in Asia
and the Middle East, has accounted for the
a heightened focus on adaptation majority of foreign defense sales during this
decade. We are soon to reach saturation in
to climate change, the cost of these markets for this type of capability, and
we will see a shift from platform acquisitions
lost biodiversity, and the waste of to system sustainment. Finally, we see
mounting military industrial competition
potentially valuable materials that in which non-U.S. firms promise adequate
capability at competitive prices and without
end up polluting the seas and the the legislated controls that come with U.S.-
provided capability.
land. The just-released report by
Facts to Remember: In 2018, the defense
former UN Secretary General Ban and aerospace sector supported more than
2.5 million jobs and accounted for more
Ki-Moon on climate adaptation and than $900 billion in sales. Commercial
aerospace exports exceeded $131 billion while
the Climate Action Summit that defense sector aerospace exports exceeded
$19 billion. The U.S. defense and aerospace
convened on September 23 call on export outlook remains robust, but head
winds are brewing that have the potential to
companies to show leadership and challenge our industrial dominance in these
two sectors over the next decade. U.S defense
deliver measurable results. spending is expected to decline after 2022,
prodding U.S. defense and aerospace firms to
Facts to remember: Electronic pursue an increase in global exports to offset
waste is growing rapidly, reaching the downshift at home.
50 million tons annually with an
estimated value of lost materials of Recommendations: U.S. industrial
over $60 billion. Less than 20% of innovation must remain our focus today
e-waste is recycled in some way. The to ensure we continue to capture lucrative
accelerating transition to e-mobility global market share tomorrow. We must
will dramatically increase the volume partner to ensure policy, procedures, and
of secondary electronic products that legislation provide the needed tools for
will require reprocessing. our industries to maintain and grow global
market share.■
Recommendations: We will
encourage UNGA participants to South China Business Journal 22
embrace a systemic approach: the key
systems that require transformation
and strengthening are major urban
centers, infrastructure, food supplies,
water, and natural environment.
Each of these systems requires risk
management and finance to improve
resiliency and mitigate risks. Each
requires business engagement to
implement any solutions on a large
scale. Governments, consumers, and
investors should recognize resource
efficiency as a hallmark of good
management, responsible governance
and quality of production. It is up
to the business community to offer
sustainability solutions that can
work. Given the scale, sophisticated
governance structures and global
reach of U.S. business, we can and
should lead in this effort.
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