P. 13
e CIFIT Organizing Committee
sincerely welcomes investment
promotion agencies, chambers of
commerce, industrial associations,
multinational corporations and
renowned companies worldwide
to the great platform and share
business opportunities.

Exhibition: Showcasing
Global Business Opportunities

The 130,000m2 exhibition SCAN TO JOIN economic organizations, executives of multinational
area will be constituted of 3 AMCHAM TO corporations, prominent academics, heads of media
major parts, namely Investment CIFIT NOW! outlets, and principals of leading private enterprises
Promotion Pavilion, Industrial will attend the forum and deliver speeches. The IIF has
Promotion Pavilion and Silk become a major platform for governments, investment
Road Trade Pavilion. Through institutions and enterprises around the world to
comprehensive display, Investment release authoritative investment policies, coordinate
Promotion Pavilion focuses on investment mechanisms and foresee investment trend.
specific themes and sets 5 sectors, At the same time, many well-known international
namely, “Invest China”, “Invest economic organizations and institutions will launch
Overseas”, “Chinese Development the latest investment development reports and hold
Zones”, “Silk Road Maritime scores of thematic forums during the CIFIT.
Transportation Investment” and
“Talent•Project•Capital”, promoting B2B Matchmaking: Capital Meets Projects
China’s FDI while facilitating
Chinese companies’ outbound The CIFIT 2019•BRIC will fully implement the concept
investment; The Industrial of “Extensive Matchmaking”, integrate matchmaking
Promotion Pavilion highlights session with exhibitions, forums and seminars and
investment opportunities on such other major activities. The CIFIT will collect 30,000
key industries as China international investment projects around the world and arrange
industrial internet, green innovative more than 1,000 matchmaking sessions as well as over
technology & products, real estate, 300 B2B meetings. With precise industry segmentation,
wine, tea, health, art collection optimized matchmaking process, and the activity of
investment, fruit and vegetable, “Investment Promotion Tour”, the CIFIT 2019•BRIC will
new Chinese home furnishing brand continue to offer “high-end, elaborate, interactive and
culture, we media, etc. The Silk exclusive” services to professional investors, qualified
Road Trade Pavilion will be specially project holders and governmental promotion agencies
established to showcase the featured of various countries, thereby further enhance project
commodities from countries along matchmaking results and negotiation effect.■
the Belt and Road.

Forums and Seminars:
Exploring Investment Trends

A series of activities of
“International Investment Forum
2019 (IIF 2019)” will focus on
building an open world economy
and closely follow the theme of
bilateral investment promotion.
State leaders from China and foreign
countries, heads of international

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