P. 9
IT WORKS Ongoing efforts to
improve the business
Under the pre-commitment of qualifications environment
pilot, government departments must notify
applicants of the specific certification The State Council noted that the policy
requirements for the permit or other item for fits into a wider range of efforts to
which they are applying. improve China’s business environment as
the economy faces a slowdown.
Applicants then sign a pledge stating that they
have obtained all the certification requirements. Practices that prove to work well in the
pilot areas are intended for nation-wide
The applicant, however, will generally not implementation in the future.
be required to hand the documentation
to the department to obtain approval in China has been undertaking a multi-
advance of beginning operations. Rather, year campaign to execute a number of
the pledge is legally binding and will have individually small but collectively impactful
consequences if it is revealed the applicant administrative streamlining measures to
has been untruthful. improve the business environment.

In effect, the reform changes certain For example, over the past several years
certifications from a pre-approval system to a China has been implementing a similar
self-declaration one. reform to shift CIT tax incentive claims
from pre-approval to self-declaration.
Authorities hope that the system will Reforms such as these have contributed
streamline administrative processes by to China rapidly climbing the World
cutting application bottlenecks and wait Bank’s ease of doing business rankings
times, while leading to a greater regulatory year-on-year.
focus on ongoing monitoring.
China’s economic planners hope that
The reform is intended to work improving the business environment
in tandem with the social credit will improve its attractiveness as an
system – a national reputation investment destination and lead to
system to standardize the increased economic gains along the
assessment of citizens’ and margins as its economy slows.■
businesses’ economic and social
reputations and transgressions. About China Briefing
A database of applicants’ credit
information will be set up, and China Briefing is produced by Dezan Shira &
those that make untruthful Associates. The firm assists foreign investors
certification claims will be throughout Asia from offices across the world,
penalized or blacklisted. including in Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, and Hong Kong. Readers may write to for more support on doing
business in China.

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