P. 29
ended their legacies as global champions of civil and U.S. relations with China were normalized]. And we
human rights by safeguarding free elections, building have stayed at war… We have wasted, I think, US$3
affordable housing, informing public policy on mental trillion," Carter said, referring to American military
health, almost eradicating Guinea Worm Disease, and spending. "China has not wasted a single penny on
ensuring that inclusive prosperity and social justice war, and that's why they're ahead of us. In almost
are embedded in the collective conscience. Carter also every way.”
still remains a powerful advocate for positive
engagement between the United States Carter wrote in a December
and China. 2018 Washington Post
opinion piece that
The first time Carter had a both counties
conversation with President need to take
Donald Trump was when the a step back
current president called the if they are
39th president in April to solve
2019. Appropriately, that the current
call centered on China. trade crisis.
Trump told him that he
is particularly concerned The former
about how China is president believes
"getting ahead of us." the trade imbalances,
intellectual property
Carter said he agreed. theft, forced technology
transfers, and unfair
"And do you know barriers to U.S.
why?" Carter asked
a reporter for NPR. investments and
“Since 1979, do you business
know how many times
China has been at war
with anybody? None
[except for a brief
border war in
early 1979,

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