P. 4
itor's Note

Dr. Harley Seyedin May is always a special month for us here at Some of our guest speakers have faces
AmCham South China because of the Spring you already know and trust, but we’re also
President, AmCham South China Ball, but this year the annual gala climaxes booking many additional guests who bring
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Business two days of intense information gathering, with them fresh ideas and information. Make
for Peace Award deal making and networking possibilities sure you are a part of this. You can find more
Awarded by the Award Committee of for once again we are hosting a high- information concerning the AmCham South
Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics profile AmCham South China Asia Pacific China Asia Pacific Business Summit in our
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University Business Summit on May 17-18 at The Westin cover story.
Guangzhou. I would be in remiss if I did
not thank AmChams Shanghai, Southwest, Everything we do at AmCham South
Macau, Korea and Okinawa for co-hosting China promotes business and investment
the event. opportunities, but that doesn’t mean it can’t
be fun. We are rolling out the red carpet
It seems that every day our office has been for you once again May 18 at the fabulous
booking another expert speaker so that we Garden Hotel Guangzhou. If you haven’t
can make this one of our best and biggest already done so, book your seat at the table
opportunities for you to better understand for the finale of this year’s business summit,
how to create or grow your business in our annual AmCham Spring Ball, one of the
China. With the addition of the Greater Bay most glamorous events in Guangzhou and
Area, South China has become the premier the Greater Bay Area. This year’s AmCham
business environment for the entire globe South China Spring Ball is inspired by the
with opportunities for all. Yet, the US-China movie musical The Greatest Showman. We
trade frictions are taking their toll. These are pulling out all of the stops this time to
are among the many topics up for discussion truly make the Spring Ball the Greatest Show
during the Summit as we dissect and analyze on Earth. You won’t want to miss your time
the information you need to understand in under the Big Top!
order to compete in this rapidly changing
world we call business.
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