P. 31
Mr. Enrique R. Silva, Associate Director, Latin To give more information on Surabaya’s waste initiative
America and the Caribbean (LAC) program, Lincoln to a peer that did not vote for it, Yuen said, “It is a good
Institute of Land Policy (LILP); project. I had the opportunity to ride on the bus the day it
was launched. The city actually provides these public buses.
9. Mr. Anthony G.O. Yeh, Chan To-Hann Professor, The citizens, or anybody – like us – can ride on it as long as
Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong; we bring along four plastic bottles. So, it promotes awareness
of recycling… The only concern about this is when you
10. Ms. Belinda Yuen, Research Director, Lee Kuan encourage people to use plastic bottles to get a free ride, are
Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University you encouraging more plastic-bottle consumption…”
of Technology & Design;
This is a snippet of the debating process, weighing the
11. Mr. Carlos E. Zaballa, Professor, University of pros and cons of each initiative. And thus each group came
Buenos Aires; Special Consultant for supporting out with a list of 45 cities. Those cites that were on both
G20 Engagement Groups, Ministry of Foreign lists would have their places secured. Those not common to
Affairs, Argentina. both lists would be further discussed by all members of the
Technical Committee.
Following an introduction of the award, the Technical
Committee designed the evaluation methodology according The process in the third stage is similar to that of the
to the rules and procedures and set to work. In evaluating second, but it was perhaps the most difficult stage of the
an initiative, the Technical Committee would consider whole evaluation procedure, selecting 15 finalists out of 45
the merits of the initiative itself – how original it is, how outstanding cities. The core criterion for this stage is the
effective it is in achieving its goals, and what implications replicability of the initiative: how this initiative can inspire
it has. External factors were also taken into account, other cities to adopt a similar or new approach to such
including the socio-economic and political context as well challenges in their cities.
as the transferability.
The Technical Committee were reorganized into two
The Technical Committee cut down the number of cities groups, which came up with two separate lists of 15 cities.
from 213 to 76 for the first stage. The experts were divided Comparison and discussion would then follow until a
geographically into 4 groups. One group was charged with unanimous shortlist came out.
the selection of initiatives from Asia and Pacific, while
the other three groups worked respectively on Africa and As a wrap-up of the evaluation meeting, the Technical
Middle East, Europe and North America, and Latin America Committee spent the final half day writing the report,
and Caribbean. This process consumed one and a half documenting the procedure of the meeting and summaries
days. Caution was exercised to ensure each region was well of the 15 shortlisted cities.
represented in line with the submission profile. Each group
had a bit of their own character, but generally reading took Out of the shortlist, five winners will be announced
up much of the time. Discussion were more reserved for the during the Global Mayors’ Forum & Guangzhou Award
next stages. Series in Guangzhou. They will be decided by the heads
of international organizations and former mayors that
The next day, the experts were organized into two groups. comprise the Jury in December. There is, however, an
Each group again looked into the initiatives of 76 cities and ongoing voting process (
argued for or against a project until they reached consensus to select one online popular city, and it is up to the general
on a list of 45 cities. public to decide on this one city.■
One of the two groups discussing on the list of 45 cities The Technical Committee deciding on the shortlist
South China Business Journal 29
America and the Caribbean (LAC) program, Lincoln to a peer that did not vote for it, Yuen said, “It is a good
Institute of Land Policy (LILP); project. I had the opportunity to ride on the bus the day it
was launched. The city actually provides these public buses.
9. Mr. Anthony G.O. Yeh, Chan To-Hann Professor, The citizens, or anybody – like us – can ride on it as long as
Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong; we bring along four plastic bottles. So, it promotes awareness
of recycling… The only concern about this is when you
10. Ms. Belinda Yuen, Research Director, Lee Kuan encourage people to use plastic bottles to get a free ride, are
Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University you encouraging more plastic-bottle consumption…”
of Technology & Design;
This is a snippet of the debating process, weighing the
11. Mr. Carlos E. Zaballa, Professor, University of pros and cons of each initiative. And thus each group came
Buenos Aires; Special Consultant for supporting out with a list of 45 cities. Those cites that were on both
G20 Engagement Groups, Ministry of Foreign lists would have their places secured. Those not common to
Affairs, Argentina. both lists would be further discussed by all members of the
Technical Committee.
Following an introduction of the award, the Technical
Committee designed the evaluation methodology according The process in the third stage is similar to that of the
to the rules and procedures and set to work. In evaluating second, but it was perhaps the most difficult stage of the
an initiative, the Technical Committee would consider whole evaluation procedure, selecting 15 finalists out of 45
the merits of the initiative itself – how original it is, how outstanding cities. The core criterion for this stage is the
effective it is in achieving its goals, and what implications replicability of the initiative: how this initiative can inspire
it has. External factors were also taken into account, other cities to adopt a similar or new approach to such
including the socio-economic and political context as well challenges in their cities.
as the transferability.
The Technical Committee were reorganized into two
The Technical Committee cut down the number of cities groups, which came up with two separate lists of 15 cities.
from 213 to 76 for the first stage. The experts were divided Comparison and discussion would then follow until a
geographically into 4 groups. One group was charged with unanimous shortlist came out.
the selection of initiatives from Asia and Pacific, while
the other three groups worked respectively on Africa and As a wrap-up of the evaluation meeting, the Technical
Middle East, Europe and North America, and Latin America Committee spent the final half day writing the report,
and Caribbean. This process consumed one and a half documenting the procedure of the meeting and summaries
days. Caution was exercised to ensure each region was well of the 15 shortlisted cities.
represented in line with the submission profile. Each group
had a bit of their own character, but generally reading took Out of the shortlist, five winners will be announced
up much of the time. Discussion were more reserved for the during the Global Mayors’ Forum & Guangzhou Award
next stages. Series in Guangzhou. They will be decided by the heads
of international organizations and former mayors that
The next day, the experts were organized into two groups. comprise the Jury in December. There is, however, an
Each group again looked into the initiatives of 76 cities and ongoing voting process (
argued for or against a project until they reached consensus to select one online popular city, and it is up to the general
on a list of 45 cities. public to decide on this one city.■
One of the two groups discussing on the list of 45 cities The Technical Committee deciding on the shortlist
South China Business Journal 29