P. 19
jor Shaw soon found out he had the job of Levy’s office is in the relatively new Zhujiang
American consul to China, but it didn’t pay very New Town consulate-general compound
well. He learned in the letter that he would serve completed in 2013 and then officially unveiled the
“with neither salary no perquisites but with the following year. The compound consists of seven
confidence and esteem of the United States.” buildings for various on 7.4 acres.
China authorities had limited trade at the Economic growth surrounding the Pearl River
time with the outside world, a world they called Delta has been extraordinary since Levy called
“barbarian,” and there were times when the Guangzhou home as a grad student. Since 1980,
post was deserted for various reasons. But, for the GDP of the Pearl River Delta region has
the most part, American trade with China grew grown annually at 16 percent and about a third of
steadily though the first part of the nineteenth all of China’s global exports originate from this
area of 35 million people.
century until the Opium War. Even though the The Board of Governor
and the more than 2,300
U.S. Consul General in Guangzhou Jim Levy signing the memoir members of the American
of the first U.S. Consul General in Guangzhou Richard Williams Chamber of Commerce in
[Image/U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou] South China offer their
original consulate burned to the ground in 1856, complete support and
diplomats continued to support an expanding look forward to working
presence in the area.
closely with Consul
General Jim Levy.
The US did not have a permanent Guangzhou
home until 1873 when they built a consulate on Levy said he will work diligently to support the
Shamian Island, a one-kilometer strip of land US-China business community and wants to keep
that bordered a man-made canal that separated it an open channel of communication with "the
from the mainland. stakeholders here on the ground” so that he can
have a better understanding of our challenges. “I
The Consulate’s efforts have primarily am honored to have this opportunity to lead our
focused on immigration and commerce since diplomatic efforts here in Guangdong, Fujian,
reopening. South China, specifically Guangdong Guangxi, and Hainan,” he said, adding “I am
province, is the historic home for most Chinese confident that our consulate and the private
immigrants to America. It was the sole immigrant sector can partner in south China to achieve our
visa processing post for the country and the shared goals.”
home for all adoption processing since 1992.
Today, Guangzhou adjudicates over a million The Board of Governor and the more than 2,300
applications per year. members of the American Chamber of Commerce
in South China offer their complete support and
look forward to working closely with Consul
General Jim Levy.■
American consul to China, but it didn’t pay very New Town consulate-general compound
well. He learned in the letter that he would serve completed in 2013 and then officially unveiled the
“with neither salary no perquisites but with the following year. The compound consists of seven
confidence and esteem of the United States.” buildings for various on 7.4 acres.
China authorities had limited trade at the Economic growth surrounding the Pearl River
time with the outside world, a world they called Delta has been extraordinary since Levy called
“barbarian,” and there were times when the Guangzhou home as a grad student. Since 1980,
post was deserted for various reasons. But, for the GDP of the Pearl River Delta region has
the most part, American trade with China grew grown annually at 16 percent and about a third of
steadily though the first part of the nineteenth all of China’s global exports originate from this
area of 35 million people.
century until the Opium War. Even though the The Board of Governor
and the more than 2,300
U.S. Consul General in Guangzhou Jim Levy signing the memoir members of the American
of the first U.S. Consul General in Guangzhou Richard Williams Chamber of Commerce in
[Image/U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou] South China offer their
original consulate burned to the ground in 1856, complete support and
diplomats continued to support an expanding look forward to working
presence in the area.
closely with Consul
General Jim Levy.
The US did not have a permanent Guangzhou
home until 1873 when they built a consulate on Levy said he will work diligently to support the
Shamian Island, a one-kilometer strip of land US-China business community and wants to keep
that bordered a man-made canal that separated it an open channel of communication with "the
from the mainland. stakeholders here on the ground” so that he can
have a better understanding of our challenges. “I
The Consulate’s efforts have primarily am honored to have this opportunity to lead our
focused on immigration and commerce since diplomatic efforts here in Guangdong, Fujian,
reopening. South China, specifically Guangdong Guangxi, and Hainan,” he said, adding “I am
province, is the historic home for most Chinese confident that our consulate and the private
immigrants to America. It was the sole immigrant sector can partner in south China to achieve our
visa processing post for the country and the shared goals.”
home for all adoption processing since 1992.
Today, Guangzhou adjudicates over a million The Board of Governor and the more than 2,300
applications per year. members of the American Chamber of Commerce
in South China offer their complete support and
look forward to working closely with Consul
General Jim Levy.■