Page 17 - The South China Business Journal
P. 17
s U.S. Meanwhile in Brazil,
Agriculture & exporters have been handed
Manufacturing high times. Soybeans to
be loaded in August at the
Article by John G. Murphy, Senior Vice President for exports, and the results nation’s Paranagua port
International Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce drive home the fact that fetched $2.21 a bushel more
the costs of a global trade than Chicago futures as
war will be local. of Friday, the widest gap
since data starts in 2014.
And now, the damage The premium has more
reports are coming in. than tripled since the end of
May, according to data from
As expected, U.S. Commodity 3.
agriculture is taking the
first hits in the emerging Even before the tariffs hit,
trade war. Soybeans, the damage was evident in
which recently surpassed declining prices, according
corn to become the largest to South Dakota Senator
U.S. crop in terms of acres John Thune (R), a member
planted, have already been of the Senate’s Republican
hit hard. As Farm Journal’s leadership.
AgWeb reported on July 6:
“In fact, since March
soybean prices have dropped
about a dollar a bushel,
which in South Dakota
means about $225 million for
our farmers,” Thune said.

In the U.S., average Dairy farmers are also
cash prices fell to about hurting, particularly given
$7.79 a bushel this week, retaliation by Mexico, the
the lowest in almost a largest export market for U.S.
decade, according to dairy products. As the Wall
an index compiled by Street Journal reports:
the Minneapolis Grain
Exchange.… BelGioioso Cheese Inc., a
second-generation family
company in Wisconsin,
has seen sales to Mexico
drop since officials there
implemented tariffs of up to
15% in early June on most
U.S. cheese. The levies were
a response to tariffs the U.S.
placed on Mexican steel and

On Thursday, Mexico was
slated to raise its levy on
most U.S. cheese to as
much as 25%, while China
on Friday is implementing
tariffs on $34 billion of U.S.
goods, including cheese and
whey, a dairy byproduct
often fed to livestock.

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