Page 18 - The South China Business Journal
P. 18
4. The topic Bush went boating and fishing with his son, Neil, Kennebunkport, ME
for this year’s
Conference is build consensus for action and closer Conference in 2003 with the help
“Food Security, collaborations. Central to any long- of his co-chair Madame Li Xiaolin
Trade and term solution for securing food for of the China People’s Association
Technology: A our rapidly growing population are for the Friendship with Foreign
New Frontier innovations in food production, food Countries, dad’s idea was to bring
for U.S.-China conservation, and food management together thought leaders from both
Cooperation”. and the sharing of food through sides to discuss the relationship
How important trade. We really do believe that this between our two countries. The
is it for nations critical issue could present a new first five conferences served the
to cooperate frontier for U.S. China cooperation. purpose of raising awareness of the
in order to importance of the bilateral ties and
ensure not only 5. This is the of improving relations broadly. It
domestic but 7th Bush China obviously helped to have a former
global food U.S. Relations president actively participate.
security? Conference.
Could you When my father asked me to
There are 7.2 billion people on share with us take over four years ago, Mdm.
earth. This number is expected to the outcomes Li and I agreed to shift the focus
grow to 9.7 billion by 2050. How do the past ones of the conference to tackle global
we feed that many people? There are have achieved? challenges that were not politically
huge challenges to food production. sensitive for U.S. China cooperation.
Climate change is impacting When my father hosted the The first such conference was
farmlands, infectious disease and first Bush China U.S. Relations held in 2015 and was titled Global
over-fishing threaten protein Infectious Disease: Prevention,
production, and resources are being Preparedness, and Response. The
depleted with special concern for conference was a big success that
shrinking usable water supplies — concluded with an assurance
all of these factors and many others that, with the next outbreak of a
are of grave concern. potentially devastating infectious
pandemic, the two countries will be
To answer your question, it is better positioned to coordinate their
critically important for all nations humanitarian responses.
to cooperate to ensure global food
security, especially the two largest
economies in the world. The goal
of the Bush China conference is
to bring together government,
corporate, non-profit, and academic
stakeholders from both sides to
16 AmCham South China
4. The topic Bush went boating and fishing with his son, Neil, Kennebunkport, ME
for this year’s
Conference is build consensus for action and closer Conference in 2003 with the help
“Food Security, collaborations. Central to any long- of his co-chair Madame Li Xiaolin
Trade and term solution for securing food for of the China People’s Association
Technology: A our rapidly growing population are for the Friendship with Foreign
New Frontier innovations in food production, food Countries, dad’s idea was to bring
for U.S.-China conservation, and food management together thought leaders from both
Cooperation”. and the sharing of food through sides to discuss the relationship
How important trade. We really do believe that this between our two countries. The
is it for nations critical issue could present a new first five conferences served the
to cooperate frontier for U.S. China cooperation. purpose of raising awareness of the
in order to importance of the bilateral ties and
ensure not only 5. This is the of improving relations broadly. It
domestic but 7th Bush China obviously helped to have a former
global food U.S. Relations president actively participate.
security? Conference.
Could you When my father asked me to
There are 7.2 billion people on share with us take over four years ago, Mdm.
earth. This number is expected to the outcomes Li and I agreed to shift the focus
grow to 9.7 billion by 2050. How do the past ones of the conference to tackle global
we feed that many people? There are have achieved? challenges that were not politically
huge challenges to food production. sensitive for U.S. China cooperation.
Climate change is impacting When my father hosted the The first such conference was
farmlands, infectious disease and first Bush China U.S. Relations held in 2015 and was titled Global
over-fishing threaten protein Infectious Disease: Prevention,
production, and resources are being Preparedness, and Response. The
depleted with special concern for conference was a big success that
shrinking usable water supplies — concluded with an assurance
all of these factors and many others that, with the next outbreak of a
are of grave concern. potentially devastating infectious
pandemic, the two countries will be
To answer your question, it is better positioned to coordinate their
critically important for all nations humanitarian responses.
to cooperate to ensure global food
security, especially the two largest
economies in the world. The goal
of the Bush China conference is
to bring together government,
corporate, non-profit, and academic
stakeholders from both sides to
16 AmCham South China