Page 32 - The South China Business Journal
P. 32
nts AmCham-FranklinCovey
Become a Leader Who
Delivers Exceptional Results
Leaders at every level face a common challenge: • Focus – the ability to identify what matters
producing results. Whether by authority or most and not lose sight of it, despite a whirlwind
influence, leaders know that unless they can inspire of competing priorities.
and enable others to raise their performance they
will not have succeeded as leaders. FranklinCovey's • Leverage – the ability to determine which
research shows that only 15% of employees actually behaviours in a team are truly the most impactful
know their organization’s most important goals. Your and to perform those behaviours at the highest
organization's ability to compete and win in today's possible level until they become habits.
market depends on how your people execute on your
organization’s strategies. • Engagement – the ability to go beyond simple
compliance and reach a level of true commitment
On Jan 25, we sat down and learned about in team performance.
FranklinCovey's 4 Disciplines, which exist for one
reason: to execute on a plan in the midst of the • Accountability – the ability, and the
whirlwind of distractions. Most people are so busy willingness, to hold ourselves and others
just maintaining the business—just keeping their accountable for their expected (and needed)
heads above water—most of the time they can't even contribution to the team’s success.■
hear you, let alone execute on your most important
priorities. The 4 Disciplines focuses your team's energy
on a winnable game in the midst of distraction:
30 AmCham South China
Become a Leader Who
Delivers Exceptional Results
Leaders at every level face a common challenge: • Focus – the ability to identify what matters
producing results. Whether by authority or most and not lose sight of it, despite a whirlwind
influence, leaders know that unless they can inspire of competing priorities.
and enable others to raise their performance they
will not have succeeded as leaders. FranklinCovey's • Leverage – the ability to determine which
research shows that only 15% of employees actually behaviours in a team are truly the most impactful
know their organization’s most important goals. Your and to perform those behaviours at the highest
organization's ability to compete and win in today's possible level until they become habits.
market depends on how your people execute on your
organization’s strategies. • Engagement – the ability to go beyond simple
compliance and reach a level of true commitment
On Jan 25, we sat down and learned about in team performance.
FranklinCovey's 4 Disciplines, which exist for one
reason: to execute on a plan in the midst of the • Accountability – the ability, and the
whirlwind of distractions. Most people are so busy willingness, to hold ourselves and others
just maintaining the business—just keeping their accountable for their expected (and needed)
heads above water—most of the time they can't even contribution to the team’s success.■
hear you, let alone execute on your most important
priorities. The 4 Disciplines focuses your team's energy
on a winnable game in the midst of distraction:
30 AmCham South China