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American Airlines Bupa Medical Centre GT Land
美国航空公司 广州保柏卓健综合门诊部有限公司
American Airlines, Inc. (AA), is an American airline Bupa is an international leading healthcare group,
headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, within the it was founded in the UK in 1947, so far our
Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. It is the world's business has expanded to more than 190 countries
largest airline when measured by fleet size, revenue, and regions across the world. Over 80,000 Bupa
scheduled passenger-kilometers flown, and number employees are working diligently for the health of
of destinations served. American together with its 2,700 customers and helping them to live longer,
regional partners operates an extensive international healthier, happier lives.
and domestic network with an average of nearly 6,700 保伯是国际领先的医疗保健集团,1947年成立于英
flights per day to nearly 350 destinations in more than 国,至今业务已发展至全球190多个国家和地区,8
50 countries 万名保伯员工时刻守护2700多万名客户的健康,帮
全球最大的航空公司,总部在达拉斯沃斯堡.致力于 助他们活出更长寿、更健康和更愉快的人生。
提供运送旅客和货物服务。 Contact: Chloe Liu Tel: 4008-5008-33
Contact person: Jacky Cheng Address: 3rd Floor, Autumn Plaza, GT Land, No.11-13
Address: Room 1314, Building B, China Shine Plaza, Zhujiang Dong Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Lin He Xi Road, Guangzhou, China 地址:广州市天河区珠江新城珠江东路11-13号高德置地
Tel: 86 20-3810 7717 E-mail:

DaFei Technology Technology Enterprise Co., Ltd. Dongguan Lamex Furniture Co., Ltd.
达菲科技企业有限公司 东莞美时家具有限公司
Shenzhen City Dafei Technology Enterprise Co., Lamex is one of Greater China’s leading
Ltd., founded by Mr. Zhang YuFang on November manufacturers and marketers of a full range of
18, 1988, business scope: industrial tape protection office furniture solutions. Lamex has showrooms
products, And accessories products, hard and sales offices in major markets including Hong
paper paper box, electronic computer network Kong, Shanghai and Beijing; over 40 dealers in
communications and other product development, China; and an extensive distribution network
research and sales. covering the rest of Asia.
深圳市达菲科技企业有限公司, 由张雨方先生成立于 美时以其多年的不懈努力,在中国大陆和香港市场
1988年11月18日。经营范围: 工业用胶带防护系 奠定了办公家具生产和销售的市场领导者地位。美
列产品,电子计算机及配件产品,硬纸皮包装盒, 时不仅是一家闻名遐迩的办公家具制造商,更是一
电子计算机用网络通讯等产品的开发、研究、销售。 位满怀激情的缔造者,致力改善上班族的日常工作
Contact: Ziyi Fan 环境。
地址:深圳市南山区蛇口街道龟山路8号明华国际会议中 Contact: Wallace Chen
心A座1517 Address: LianHu First Industrial District, 191 Huan
Tel: 86-177 2759 6001 Shi East Road, Tangxia Town, Dongguan City
E-mail: Guangdong Province, PRC 523712
Website: 地址:东莞市塘厦镇环市东路191号莲湖第一工业区

44 AmCham South China Tel: 0769-8203 1179 Fax: 0769-8772 2660
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