Page 10 - The South China Business Journal
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[Left to right: Christopher Smith, Chief of the Economic/Political Section at the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou; Dr. Harley Seyedin, President of AmCham
South China; Alain Joyal, Senior VP Corporate Communication at GOIP AULA LTD; Dr. Michael Tan, Partner of TaylorWessing in Shanghai]

How Cyber Security, VPN and its
Laws Affect Future Businesses

By Alain Joyal, Sr. Vice President, Corporate Communication, GOIP AULA Ltd.

CN Care / GOIP AULA Ltd. was delighted to sponsor have expressed interest to the CAC in participating.
the event with the American Chamber of Commerce Finally, he capped off the question portion with inquiries
in South China (AmCham South China). AmCham South into how the cybersecurity law will continue to develop.
China welcomed Mr. Christopher Smith, Chief of the
Economic/Political Section at the United States Consulate With an increase in cyberattacks worldwide, the
in Guangzhou, Dr. Michael Tan, Partner of TaylorWessing Standing Committee of China’s National People’s
in Shanghai and Mr. Alain Joyal, Senior VP Corporate Congress (NPC) passed China’s first CSL, which took
Communication at GOIP AULA LTD (mother company effect and was reinforced on June 1st 2017. Although the
of CN Care) in Shenzhen/Hong Kong. The guests and the law was first introduced in November 2016, it was not
moderator discussed VPNs and its Cyber Security laws enforced until June 1st. The new law and VPN regulations
(SCL) and how it will affect business economically and have had some economic impacts on foreign and
politically in the future. Chinese businesses in many ways, more specifically cross
border data, data storage, data protection, along with
Following the presentation, Mr. Christopher Smith data privacy.
moderated the panel and presented some questions to
both speakers. He addressed some economic, political This year in January, the Ministry of Industry and
and security questions concerning what should foreign Information Technology (MIIT)1 issued a “notice on
companies do to avoid inadvertently being incompliant the clean-up of the Internet network access service
with its new vaguely defined requirements; which market notification” (Ministry of Industry letter [2017]
companies or business associations are playing a leading 32). The notice covered the basic telecommunication
role in this process how were they chosen and whether companies, Internet access service enterprises on the
they are exclusively Chinese or a mix of both Chinese and
foreign firms. Also, he touched on if foreign companies 1 Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) www.

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