Page 16 - The South China Business Journal
P. 16

Business Roundtable with Mr. Ambassador at Ritz Carlton Guangzhou

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called Terry Branstad took his first trip to China as a governor
Branstad an “old friend.” in 1984. A year later, a feed cooperative director
from Hebei Province named Xi Jinping led a
Bradstad, the now former Iowa governor, has delegation to Iowa.
ended his over 22-year run as the longest-serving
governor in U.S. history to become the US “More than three decades and five more visits to
Ambassador to China. His appointment marked the China later, I now look forward to working with
third consecutive time that a politician resigned a you, the people of China, to build the future of US-
statewide office to accept the role; Jon Huntsman China ties. Jobs, education, an aging population
Jr. resigned as Governor of Utah in 2009, and Max and health care, we face many of the same
Baucus resigned as US Senator from Montana in 2014. challenges. A strong relationship can contribute to
solutions,” Branstad said.
Stepping down near the middle of his sixth term
as Iowa’s chief executive, Branstad came full circle The two men have kept in touch for more than
during a run spanning four decades that began with 30 years. They most recently shook hands during a
him taking office in 1983 as Iowa’s youngest governor meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
at age 36 and ending as its oldest. in 2013. A year earlier, Brandstad hosted a state
dinner at the Iowa Capital for Xi who was then vice
The farm boy-turned-political icon’s relationship president of China. Bradstad also met the Chinese
with the current president of the country he now president during a 2011 visit to China.
calls home is surprisingly long. “I was the first
American governor [President Xi Jinping] met on “I had told Donald Trump on several occasions,
his very first trip to America on April 29, 1985,” ‘Don’t say anything bad about China when you’re
Brandstad explains. in Iowa,’” Branstad told NPR in January. “We have a
great relationship there.”

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