Page 10 - The South China Business Journal
P. 10
South China Business Journal
By China Briefing
Investors may need to send per- In addition to this, a Chinese visa is also Registration requires a passport and in-
sonnel to China on business trips for a required. There are two types of visas suit- formation about accommodation. If trav-
variety of reasons, even if there is an exist- able for business travel: an ‘F’ visa or an elers fail to register, they are considered
ing entity and staff on-site in China. ‘M’ visa. non-compliant, and may be subject to
fines and deportation.
The most common examples are for nego- An ‘F’ type visa is specified for non-com-
tiations, completing temporary projects, mercial exchanges, investigations, and Border Crossing
quality control, engineering, training, or for scientific-technological, education,
consulting purposes. and cultural exchanges. This visa allows For regular visitors crossing the border into
for multiple entry visits of up to six or 12 mainland China, such as those residing in
Travel may consist of visits to attend cer- months depending on the purpose of stay. Hong Kong or Macau, an automated pas-
emonies or other types of functions, or An ‘M’ type visa is specified for business or senger clearance system has been in place
longer or more frequent stays. trade purposes. since 2002. This service was extended to
all ports of entry into China for foreigners
However, there are many factors involved Both types of visa require supporting in 2016.
when sending personnel on business trips documentation, such as an invitation
to China. Proper management and prepa- letter specifying the purpose of the visit, Travelers in possession of an e-passport
ration can help your business trip to China and relationship from a legitimate entity (the type with an inbuilt microchip) and
run as smoothly as possible. This article in China. a visa with at least six months of validity
addresses issues for both travelers and and a corresponding residence permit are
HR departments to consider when con- Once in China, travelers must register eligible to register for the ‘e-channel’ bor-
ducting business trips to China. with authorities. Registration is auto- der crossing service.
matically done when checking into a ho-
Visas and Arrival tel, but travelers who do not visit a hotel Application requires filling out a form, tak-
must check-in at the local police bureau ing a photo, and providing thumbprints, as
All personnel entering China for business within 24 hours of arrival, or 72 hours in the e-channel scans faces and thumbprints
purposes must hold a passport valid for at rural areas. as a means to admit travelers.
least another six months.
By China Briefing
Investors may need to send per- In addition to this, a Chinese visa is also Registration requires a passport and in-
sonnel to China on business trips for a required. There are two types of visas suit- formation about accommodation. If trav-
variety of reasons, even if there is an exist- able for business travel: an ‘F’ visa or an elers fail to register, they are considered
ing entity and staff on-site in China. ‘M’ visa. non-compliant, and may be subject to
fines and deportation.
The most common examples are for nego- An ‘F’ type visa is specified for non-com-
tiations, completing temporary projects, mercial exchanges, investigations, and Border Crossing
quality control, engineering, training, or for scientific-technological, education,
consulting purposes. and cultural exchanges. This visa allows For regular visitors crossing the border into
for multiple entry visits of up to six or 12 mainland China, such as those residing in
Travel may consist of visits to attend cer- months depending on the purpose of stay. Hong Kong or Macau, an automated pas-
emonies or other types of functions, or An ‘M’ type visa is specified for business or senger clearance system has been in place
longer or more frequent stays. trade purposes. since 2002. This service was extended to
all ports of entry into China for foreigners
However, there are many factors involved Both types of visa require supporting in 2016.
when sending personnel on business trips documentation, such as an invitation
to China. Proper management and prepa- letter specifying the purpose of the visit, Travelers in possession of an e-passport
ration can help your business trip to China and relationship from a legitimate entity (the type with an inbuilt microchip) and
run as smoothly as possible. This article in China. a visa with at least six months of validity
addresses issues for both travelers and and a corresponding residence permit are
HR departments to consider when con- Once in China, travelers must register eligible to register for the ‘e-channel’ bor-
ducting business trips to China. with authorities. Registration is auto- der crossing service.
matically done when checking into a ho-
Visas and Arrival tel, but travelers who do not visit a hotel Application requires filling out a form, tak-
must check-in at the local police bureau ing a photo, and providing thumbprints, as
All personnel entering China for business within 24 hours of arrival, or 72 hours in the e-channel scans faces and thumbprints
purposes must hold a passport valid for at rural areas. as a means to admit travelers.
least another six months.