P. 5
May 2017
Dear Members, Business Summit. I also want to offer my deepest thanks to our
top sponsors, Walmart, HSBC, Times Industry, United Airlines,
April marked a milestone in the history of American Chamber Amway, Duff & Phelps, FedEx, Citi, Apex Tools, Mead Johnson,
of Commerce in South China as it hosted the 2017 APCAC Asia Amphenol, Eventbank and many others who helped make the
Pacific Business Summit. I am proud to say that our Board of 2017 APCAC Asia Pacific Business Summit a great success.
Governors and our members worked hard to raise the funds nec-
essary to host the highest level Business Summit that started on I am confident that this historic Summit has brought U.S., Chi-
April 19th and only ended on April 24th. na, and Asia Pacific closer together and has helped improve U.S.-
China trade relations bringing business opportunities to South
I am happy to report that praise has been pouring in from all cor- China. I am ready to see the economic development of this re-
ners of the world from people who attended the Business Sum- gion reach new heights.
mit. It is clear that they were all overwhelmed by the high quality
of the events and the personal hospitality of not just the hotel but Harley Seyedin
also from every member of our great team. President
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
Overall some 400 American corporate delegates participated in Vice Chairman
the Business Summit. They were joined by high-level govern- The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce
ment representatives from as near as China, and as far as U.S.,
New Zealand, Mexico and Kuwait. More than 200 Chinese CEOs
joined our delegates which came from nearly 40 countries from
around the world.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our Chargé d’
Affaires ad interim, U.S. Embassy Beijing, Mr. David H. Rank
and our Consul General, Mr. Charles Bennett and his team for
their participation and extraordinary support throughout the
Dear Members, Business Summit. I also want to offer my deepest thanks to our
top sponsors, Walmart, HSBC, Times Industry, United Airlines,
April marked a milestone in the history of American Chamber Amway, Duff & Phelps, FedEx, Citi, Apex Tools, Mead Johnson,
of Commerce in South China as it hosted the 2017 APCAC Asia Amphenol, Eventbank and many others who helped make the
Pacific Business Summit. I am proud to say that our Board of 2017 APCAC Asia Pacific Business Summit a great success.
Governors and our members worked hard to raise the funds nec-
essary to host the highest level Business Summit that started on I am confident that this historic Summit has brought U.S., Chi-
April 19th and only ended on April 24th. na, and Asia Pacific closer together and has helped improve U.S.-
China trade relations bringing business opportunities to South
I am happy to report that praise has been pouring in from all cor- China. I am ready to see the economic development of this re-
ners of the world from people who attended the Business Sum- gion reach new heights.
mit. It is clear that they were all overwhelmed by the high quality
of the events and the personal hospitality of not just the hotel but Harley Seyedin
also from every member of our great team. President
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
Overall some 400 American corporate delegates participated in Vice Chairman
the Business Summit. They were joined by high-level govern- The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce
ment representatives from as near as China, and as far as U.S.,
New Zealand, Mexico and Kuwait. More than 200 Chinese CEOs
joined our delegates which came from nearly 40 countries from
around the world.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our Chargé d’
Affaires ad interim, U.S. Embassy Beijing, Mr. David H. Rank
and our Consul General, Mr. Charles Bennett and his team for
their participation and extraordinary support throughout the