Page 19 - SCBJ-201703
P. 19
mber’s Donohue: Trade Facilitation
Pact Ratification a Boost for U.S.,
World Economy
- Groundbreaking Agreement Will Break Down
Barriers to Trade for American Small Businesses
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas “The WTO estimates the TFA could boost world trade by $1
J. Donohue issued the following statement today as the trillion and help create over 20 million jobs around the world.
110th country ratified the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) However, we can only unlock these benefits if every country is
Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), allowing the agreement to committed to the implementation process.
enter into force and be implemented:
“Today’s actions are the culmination of years of hard work, and
“This groundbreaking agreement will unleash new trade flows we have achieved an important goal. However, the most difficult
and spur growth around the world by cutting red tape and easing work still remains. We will continue to work with our partners
the movement of goods across borders. It’s a welcome shot in across the globe to implement the agreement and urge others to
the arm for the U.S. and world economies. join us in order to create opportunities for business to prosper.”
“Some of the biggest beneficiaries will be American small The TFA will streamline customs procedures to facilitate the
and medium-sized businesses. They are the backbone of our passage of goods across borders, boosting transparency, cutting
economy, but their exports too often get tied up in the maze administrative costs, enhancing security, and leveraging modern
of bureaucratic and international border procedures. The IT tools. Negotiations for the agreement were completed in
TFA breaks down these barriers to spur economic growth by December 2013, and the United States ratified it in January
streamlining and simplifying trade requirements. 2015.
Pact Ratification a Boost for U.S.,
World Economy
- Groundbreaking Agreement Will Break Down
Barriers to Trade for American Small Businesses
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas “The WTO estimates the TFA could boost world trade by $1
J. Donohue issued the following statement today as the trillion and help create over 20 million jobs around the world.
110th country ratified the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) However, we can only unlock these benefits if every country is
Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), allowing the agreement to committed to the implementation process.
enter into force and be implemented:
“Today’s actions are the culmination of years of hard work, and
“This groundbreaking agreement will unleash new trade flows we have achieved an important goal. However, the most difficult
and spur growth around the world by cutting red tape and easing work still remains. We will continue to work with our partners
the movement of goods across borders. It’s a welcome shot in across the globe to implement the agreement and urge others to
the arm for the U.S. and world economies. join us in order to create opportunities for business to prosper.”
“Some of the biggest beneficiaries will be American small The TFA will streamline customs procedures to facilitate the
and medium-sized businesses. They are the backbone of our passage of goods across borders, boosting transparency, cutting
economy, but their exports too often get tied up in the maze administrative costs, enhancing security, and leveraging modern
of bureaucratic and international border procedures. The IT tools. Negotiations for the agreement were completed in
TFA breaks down these barriers to spur economic growth by December 2013, and the United States ratified it in January
streamlining and simplifying trade requirements. 2015.