Page 5 - SCBJ-201612
P. 5
November 2016

Dear Members, AmCham South China glean our confidence for the incoming
Trump administration from the words of U.S. Ambassador to
“There are moments where history was made. This is one of China, Max Baucus, who, on November 9th in the International
those moments.” Business Times, proclaimed U.S.-China ties to be “the world’s
most important relationship” and who asserted his belief that
On November 8th, AmCham South China and approximately no major changes will be made on issues already agreed upon
a thousand of our colleagues, friends and guests watched by the two countries.
history being made at our U.S. Presidential Election Day
Party held from 8 am to 2 pm at the China Hotel by Marriott, There is no doubt about it; the next four years will be very
Guangzhou. The grand celebration was timed to coincide with interesting indeed for both Washington and Beijing. As for us
real-time news and poll result updates direct from the United here in South China, we will, as always, be closely monitoring
States, broadcast live on television. And just like at AmCham and analyzing the business and trade issues that concern us
South China’s 2012 Presidential Election Party, where we also while providing platforms and opportunities in which our
witnessed the participation of more than a thousand people Members can discuss these issues and engage with one another
over the course of several hours, the event program included an in our Members’ Events.
interactive Q&A session with our guests to impart the details
and intricacies of the U.S. election process. In a fun attempt to On behalf of the AmCham South China team, we extend our
predict the election outcome, we also invited our guests to cast warmest greetings for a happy festive season to you and your
their own ballot and the lucky ones who guessed correctly had a families and colleagues.
chance to win a lucky draw prize of a round-trip air ticket to the
United States courtesy of Hainan Airlines. Sincerely,

The event eventually culminated with the news announcement Harley Seyedin
that Donald Trump has emerged victorious as the new U.S. President
President-Elect. Although the news has been greeted with a The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
measure of uncertainty and apprehension in parts of the United Vice Chairman
States where the outcome is perceived unfavorable, we at The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce

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