Page 11 - SCBJ-201606
P. 11
June 2016
oPnoiTntraadned: RCeosupnotnedripnogintto
Trump, Sanders, Clinton
By: JOHN G. MURPHY, Senior Vice President for International Policy
noted, “If you build a house on another On the campaign trail, it’s not At the same time, employment in the
persons’ foundation, you can’t be secure.” unusual for the rhetoric to escalate sector has declined as automation,
• On Market Economy Status: One and exaggerate as candidates vie for robotics, information technologies, and
former government official emphasized on
multiple occasions that if the issue is not attention in a crowded media landscape. highly sophisticated capital goods have
appropriately resolved now, it will bring
more complicated problems down the allowed factories to produce more with
road that will adversely impact bilateral
economic and commercial cooperation. But there’s no excuse for what we’ve fewer workers.
The delegate emphasized that, “China has
fulfilled its WTO commitments, and now heard this year, as candidate after
it’s time for the United States and WTO
members to fulfill their commitment.” candidate has thrown caution — and This productivity-driven decline in U.S.
• On G20: The Chinese delegation facts — to the wind when it comes to manufacturing jobs has been underway
emphasized that boosting trade
and investment and advancing new trade. for decades. The absolute number of
frameworks around these issues are
priority considerations for China, not factory workers began to decline in 1979,
just monetary/fiscal policy issues. The
Chinese delegation also highlighted To correct the record, we’ve taken a but manufacturing jobs as a share of
investment in low carbon/green
technology/finance as well as guidance on closer look at some of the wilder and U.S. private sector jobs have declined in
financial regulation as areas of interest.
woolier proposals we’ve heard from a straight line since 1945, according to
ACTION ITEMS candidates Donald Trump, Bernie data from the Federal Reserve Bank of
At the conclusion of the two-day Dialogue, Sanders, and Hillary Clinton: St. Louis. This was long before NAFTA or
the U.S. Chamber and CCIEE issued
a consensus Joint Statement, which Trump says he wants to force the emergence of
includes commitments on both sides companies “to build their China as a major
to pursue cooperative events and other trading power.
programming in the areas of two-way
investment, ICT security for financial damn computers U.S. firms also
services, and Internet of Things. and things in this invest abroad,
country instead of in but they do so
other countries.” to serve those
markets — not as
a substitute for
As a matter of domestic production. Often this
fact, they already involves production of goods (such as
do. U.S. real potato chips or detergent) that can’t be
manufacturing transported long distances economically;
output has risen some services also require a local
by more than investment. More than 90% of the
75% over the past 25 years and is at a production of foreign affiliates of U.S.
record high today. U.S. manufacturers’ multinationals is sold abroad, reports the
production, earnings, and exports have Commerce Department.
never been higher.
Trump’s remedy? He has proposed to
Let that sink in: Never before have so slap tariffs of 35% and higher on imports
many goods been “made in America.” from China and Mexico. Analysts
oPnoiTntraadned: RCeosupnotnedripnogintto
Trump, Sanders, Clinton
By: JOHN G. MURPHY, Senior Vice President for International Policy
noted, “If you build a house on another On the campaign trail, it’s not At the same time, employment in the
persons’ foundation, you can’t be secure.” unusual for the rhetoric to escalate sector has declined as automation,
• On Market Economy Status: One and exaggerate as candidates vie for robotics, information technologies, and
former government official emphasized on
multiple occasions that if the issue is not attention in a crowded media landscape. highly sophisticated capital goods have
appropriately resolved now, it will bring
more complicated problems down the allowed factories to produce more with
road that will adversely impact bilateral
economic and commercial cooperation. But there’s no excuse for what we’ve fewer workers.
The delegate emphasized that, “China has
fulfilled its WTO commitments, and now heard this year, as candidate after
it’s time for the United States and WTO
members to fulfill their commitment.” candidate has thrown caution — and This productivity-driven decline in U.S.
• On G20: The Chinese delegation facts — to the wind when it comes to manufacturing jobs has been underway
emphasized that boosting trade
and investment and advancing new trade. for decades. The absolute number of
frameworks around these issues are
priority considerations for China, not factory workers began to decline in 1979,
just monetary/fiscal policy issues. The
Chinese delegation also highlighted To correct the record, we’ve taken a but manufacturing jobs as a share of
investment in low carbon/green
technology/finance as well as guidance on closer look at some of the wilder and U.S. private sector jobs have declined in
financial regulation as areas of interest.
woolier proposals we’ve heard from a straight line since 1945, according to
ACTION ITEMS candidates Donald Trump, Bernie data from the Federal Reserve Bank of
At the conclusion of the two-day Dialogue, Sanders, and Hillary Clinton: St. Louis. This was long before NAFTA or
the U.S. Chamber and CCIEE issued
a consensus Joint Statement, which Trump says he wants to force the emergence of
includes commitments on both sides companies “to build their China as a major
to pursue cooperative events and other trading power.
programming in the areas of two-way
investment, ICT security for financial damn computers U.S. firms also
services, and Internet of Things. and things in this invest abroad,
country instead of in but they do so
other countries.” to serve those
markets — not as
a substitute for
As a matter of domestic production. Often this
fact, they already involves production of goods (such as
do. U.S. real potato chips or detergent) that can’t be
manufacturing transported long distances economically;
output has risen some services also require a local
by more than investment. More than 90% of the
75% over the past 25 years and is at a production of foreign affiliates of U.S.
record high today. U.S. manufacturers’ multinationals is sold abroad, reports the
production, earnings, and exports have Commerce Department.
never been higher.
Trump’s remedy? He has proposed to
Let that sink in: Never before have so slap tariffs of 35% and higher on imports
many goods been “made in America.” from China and Mexico. Analysts