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ER STORY Isnide South China Business Journal

the Hottest Ball of
AmCham Oscar Night

On May 21, AmCham’s
Oscar Night kicked off with
a confetti bang! For those
of us not lucky enough
to actually attend the LA
Oscars ceremonies, the
AmCham’s theme-ball
proved to be a worthy

On that night the Garden
Hotel in Canton, braced
itself for the biggest night
of all!

THE ACADEMY Around five hundred
AWARDS ceremony “Hollywood Stars”, all well
is one of the most highly- dressed in long flowing
anticipated, glamorous gowns or tuxedos took to
events of the year. the red carpet to attend the
Although Hollywood’s AmCham Academy Awards
award season has reached ceremony. The event was
to a close, Canton is adding aptly situated in the stylish
an extra layer of tinsel to surroundings of Lobby and
this prestigious event. Grand Ballroom of this
respected venue. While
shining on the red carpet,
the arriving stars were
caught on on-site video.

The night turned out to
be more than a match for
Hollywood. There were the

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