Page 28 - SCBJ-201601&02
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South China Business Journal


Shenzhen Colibri customized solutions that cater to their we have devoted a significant amount
Technologies Co. Ltd. was specific needs. Majority of our business of time andover 64 million continuous
established in Shenzhen of 2001. Now we comes from designing and fabricating investmentsin researching and investing
have over 2500 staffs with over 10300 Customized Automation Equipment. on five technologies to development into
m² facilities around the world. Our goal is to help our clients enhance our corecompetitiveness.
productivity while keeping minimum
Location Map: labor cost.Our extensive background in Core Technologies:
Headquarter: Shenzhen, Shenzhen Colibri building automation solutions for clients  Machine Vision:
Technologies Co., Ltd. in numerous industry segments helps us Standard Development Platform
4 countries: China, Thailand, Singapore, to quickly understand the needs of our Machine Vision & Image Processing
USA customers. Algorithms
Optical Analysis
Colibriis a technology-based enterprise The remaining part of our production
with advanced design, development, focuses on precision tooling and  Testing Technology:
and manufacturing capabilities.With parts. Through our strong engineering 3D Gravity and Inertia
our threefold business scope, we provide capability, we are able to manufacture Magnetic Field / Force
customized solutions in: precision parts for a comprehensive range Force & Position Calibration
 Automation Equipment Design & of machines and equipment. Camera Parameter Testing
Manufacturing (OBM/ODM)
 Equipment Assembly & To stay at the forefront of the
Replication(OEM) industry,
 Precision Machining

Our mission is to be a trusted partner
to our industrial customers through

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