Page 3 - Media Coverage Report
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ut AmCham South China

The American Chamber of Commerce in South 华南美国商会是一个旨在促进美中两国双边经
China (AmCham South China) is a non- 贸关系发展的无党派、非赢利性商业机构,由
partisan, non-profit business organization, certified 设在华盛顿特区的美国全国商会批准,于1995年成
in 1995 by the U.S Chamber of Commerce in 立。华南美国商会代表旗下的2300多家企业及个人
Washington D.C. 会员。

Mission 我们的使命

The mission of the American Chamber of Commerce 华南美国商会以促进美国和中华人民共和国之间在
in South China is to promote development of 华南地区的贸易、商业和投资活动为己任;为各成员
trade, commerce and investment between the 提供确认商业活动中的共同利益及讨论普遍关心问
United States and the People’s Republic of China 题解决方案的平台;与华南地区、中国其它地区以及
with a special focus on South China; to provide a 美国的相关组织合作,以提升会员利益;为商会服务
forum in which member businesses can identify 的社会群体树立企业社会责任标准。
their common interests and discuss solutions for
common problems; to work with and advocate 我们的工作
member interests with relevant organizations in
South China, elsewhere in China and the United 联系
States, and to set the standards for corporate
social responsibility for the community that the 我们通过举办酒会、投资代表团、协会会议、大型宴会
Chamber serves. 及其它活动为您与商会会员及华南地区其它商业团
What we do
We create forums for members to build meaningful, 华南美国商会及其会员直接利益的政策目标,并在美
long-lasting relationships with other AmCham 中两国的地方、地区及国家层面竭力追求达成此目
members and the greater business community in 标。
South China.
Through engaging in dialogue with our more than 物,包括年度刊物《会员名录》、《华南地区经济情况特
2,300 members, we formulate policy objectives that 别报告》、《在华营商环境白皮书》、月度杂志《华南商
represent the immediate interests of the Chamber 务快讯》,还有《政策要览》。
as a whole, and then pursue them at the local,
regional and national levels in the United States
and the People’s Republic of China.


We keep up with policy changes and new laws so
our members don’t have to. Our publications, in
addition to many seminars and forums featuring
expert speakers help keep you in the loop and up to
date on the region.
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