Page 112 - 2024 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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innovative capital chain and make the full use of the chain on the west bank of the Pearl River”. The
construction of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange number of listed enterprises in the regional equity
to foster the futures industry chain. With the market will reach 30,000, and the total scale of
“30•60” decarbonization target13, to speed up the venture capital funds will reach RMB5 trillion, more
growth of green finance industry and to increase than 30 venture capital institutions will enter the top
the proportion of the value-added of the financial 100 fund management list, and 500 enterprises will
industry in GDP. be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation
Board and the Growth Enterprise Market.
- Implement “Finance +” projects, including
“Finance + Trade”, “Finance + Consumption”, “Finance The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan
+ Technology”, “Finance + Manufacturing” and (2021-2025) for Guangdong Manufactur-
“Finance + Infrastructure”. Continuously improve ing Development14
the accessibility, convenience and sustainability of
financial resources, as well as financial services. The 14th Five-Year Plan period is the key
Enhance the capacity and efficiency of financial milestone for high-quality development of
services to support real economy. manufacturing. On 30 July 2021, the government
of Guangdong set up development plans, main
Key economic targets: targets and key sectors for manufacturing
industry. Specifically:
- By 2025, the domestic and foreign currency
deposit balance to reach RMB40 trillion, and loan Strategic orientations:
balance to reach RMB30 trillion, including RMB3
trillion manufacturing loan balance, RMB3 trillion - Construct a number of strategic industrial
green credit balance, RMB3.5 trillion inclusive clusters with comprehensive industrial chains,
loan balance, and RMB2 trillion agriculture- influential power and strong competitiveness,
related loan balance. to maintain its top rank position in China’s
manufacturing industry. Continue to move upward
- Build fully connected financial market to the middle and high-end of the value-added
in the GBA. Guangdong will proactively enhance in global industrial chain and become the global
the communication with international financial advanced manufacturing base.
market. The scale of cross-border capital flows will
upward to a new level, and the total number of - New technologies, new products, new
domestic and foreign listed enterprises will exceed industries and new business models will continue
to 1,500, including more than 1,000 A-share listed to emerge and develop. Key industries will
enterprises and more than 400 listed enterprises realize innovation breakthroughs. Guangdong’s
in Hong Kong. innovation capability of manufacturing will catch
up with the international leading level. A globally
- Attracts more than 10 national FinTech manufacturing innovation hub will be built up.
research institutions and fosters over 10 FinTech
unicorn enterprises, over five FinTech listed - Promote a larger, deeper and wider opening-
enterprises. Supports 15 financial enterprises to be up to optimize the supply chain that can provide
listed on the Top 100 Global FinTech Patents evaluated mutually benefits for global cooperation. Expand
by the World Intellectual Property Organization. international trade and investment. Build new
advantages in participating in international competition
- Build an innovative capital center that and become a forefront of advanced manufacturing.
is compatible with the development of the
Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau - Accelerate the construction of digital
science and technology innovation area and the government, upgrade the market operation,
“advanced equipment manufacturing industry
14 Government site of Guangdong, http://www.
13 “30•60”, China is committed to peak emissions
by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. html
construction of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange number of listed enterprises in the regional equity
to foster the futures industry chain. With the market will reach 30,000, and the total scale of
“30•60” decarbonization target13, to speed up the venture capital funds will reach RMB5 trillion, more
growth of green finance industry and to increase than 30 venture capital institutions will enter the top
the proportion of the value-added of the financial 100 fund management list, and 500 enterprises will
industry in GDP. be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation
Board and the Growth Enterprise Market.
- Implement “Finance +” projects, including
“Finance + Trade”, “Finance + Consumption”, “Finance The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan
+ Technology”, “Finance + Manufacturing” and (2021-2025) for Guangdong Manufactur-
“Finance + Infrastructure”. Continuously improve ing Development14
the accessibility, convenience and sustainability of
financial resources, as well as financial services. The 14th Five-Year Plan period is the key
Enhance the capacity and efficiency of financial milestone for high-quality development of
services to support real economy. manufacturing. On 30 July 2021, the government
of Guangdong set up development plans, main
Key economic targets: targets and key sectors for manufacturing
industry. Specifically:
- By 2025, the domestic and foreign currency
deposit balance to reach RMB40 trillion, and loan Strategic orientations:
balance to reach RMB30 trillion, including RMB3
trillion manufacturing loan balance, RMB3 trillion - Construct a number of strategic industrial
green credit balance, RMB3.5 trillion inclusive clusters with comprehensive industrial chains,
loan balance, and RMB2 trillion agriculture- influential power and strong competitiveness,
related loan balance. to maintain its top rank position in China’s
manufacturing industry. Continue to move upward
- Build fully connected financial market to the middle and high-end of the value-added
in the GBA. Guangdong will proactively enhance in global industrial chain and become the global
the communication with international financial advanced manufacturing base.
market. The scale of cross-border capital flows will
upward to a new level, and the total number of - New technologies, new products, new
domestic and foreign listed enterprises will exceed industries and new business models will continue
to 1,500, including more than 1,000 A-share listed to emerge and develop. Key industries will
enterprises and more than 400 listed enterprises realize innovation breakthroughs. Guangdong’s
in Hong Kong. innovation capability of manufacturing will catch
up with the international leading level. A globally
- Attracts more than 10 national FinTech manufacturing innovation hub will be built up.
research institutions and fosters over 10 FinTech
unicorn enterprises, over five FinTech listed - Promote a larger, deeper and wider opening-
enterprises. Supports 15 financial enterprises to be up to optimize the supply chain that can provide
listed on the Top 100 Global FinTech Patents evaluated mutually benefits for global cooperation. Expand
by the World Intellectual Property Organization. international trade and investment. Build new
advantages in participating in international competition
- Build an innovative capital center that and become a forefront of advanced manufacturing.
is compatible with the development of the
Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau - Accelerate the construction of digital
science and technology innovation area and the government, upgrade the market operation,
“advanced equipment manufacturing industry
14 Government site of Guangdong, http://www.
13 “30•60”, China is committed to peak emissions
by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. html