Page 50 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 50
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

re-globalisation”. There was not a whiff of criticism Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose. “China Tells the
of the US or the West. No speech of this kind has World That the Maoist Madness Is over – We Can
been delivered by a top Chinese leader for years. All Make Money Again.” Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo!,
It goes well beyond the first signs of a tentative 17 Jan. 2023,
thaw at a US-China summit late 2022, suggesting china-tells-world-maoist-madness-161838842.
that China’s 20th Party Congress marked a html?guccounter=1.
watershed moment in Chinese strategic thinking.
Whether it is authentic or tactical remains to be Jia, Rixue, et al. “What Is the Impact on U.S.-
seen. In a sense, the new policy is a recognition China Tensions of U.S. Science?” SCCEI CHINA
by the Communist Party that the democracies are BRIEFS, Stanford Center on China's Economy and
not as weak as they looked a year or two ago. The Institutions.
West still controls the machinery of global finance,
technology transfer, and maritime trade. The war Mcdonald, Joe. “China's Trade Surplus Swells to
in Ukraine has revealed that it can be remarkably $877.6B as Exports Grow.” AP NEWS, Associated
unified and has a backbone of steel when seriously Press, 13 Jan. 2023,
provoked. Above all, Xi Jinping discovered that inflation-shanghai-business-0c0f7946bc3c08db1df
the US controls the global supply of advanced 13eb78911f4aa.
semiconductor chips, the primary fuel of the 21st
century technological economy. Without that you Nierenberg, Amelia. “Your Wednesday Briefing:
are nothing. China’s repeated efforts to close the China's Dual Crises.” The New York Times, The
chip gap have all faltered, and the latest has just New York Times, 17 Jan. 2023, https://www.
been abandoned due to prohibitive costs. Deng
Xiaoping long pursued a policy of “bide your population-asia.html.
time and hide your strength”. Liu He said China’s
property bust had pushed the economy close to Shah, Mariam. “Us's Unending Obsession with
a systemic crisis, requiring a “blood transfusion” China Is Harming Global Peace.”
and massive state bail-out of the mortgage system cn, 6 June 2022,
to restore confidence. The worst is now over and a/202206/21/WS62b0fe31a310fd2b29e6778d.
the economy should be back to pre-pandemic html.
trend growth of 5% or more in 2023. For the rest
of the world, the implications are bittersweet. The Sudworth, John. “Can the US Live in Xi Jinping's
risk is that surging Chinese demand for oil, gas, World?” BBC News, BBC, 3 Nov. 2022, https://www.
and commodities risks setting off another round
of imported inflation before Europe and America
have fully recovered (Evans-Prichard). Xinhua. “China-US Economic, Trade Relations
Win-Win in Nature: Chinese Ambassador to
Works Cited Us.”, 23 Apr. 2022, https://
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