Page 118 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 118
Fig 10 The rapid development of Hainan’s tourist industry

Source: Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of Hainan Province

flow of capital, free and convenient access for The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan
people and free and convenient transportation, (2021-2025) for Hainan Economic and Social
as well as secure and orderly flow of data. The Development and the Long-Range Objec-
business environment will be more optimized, tives Through the Year 203566
the system of laws and regulations will be
sounder, the risk prevention and control system On 13 March 2021, the Outline of the 14th Five-
will be more rigorous, and a pattern of modern Year Plan (2021-2025) for Hainan Economic and
social governance will be basically formed, with Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives
Hainan becoming a new highland of China's Through the Year 2035 was released. It sets main
open economy. targets and specific plans for the economic and
social development of Hainan. Specifically:
3. By the middle of the century, a high-level
free trade port with strong international influence Economic targets:
will have been fully built.
- An average annual growth of GDP over
- Institutional design 10%, and GDP reaches RMB1,000 billion by 2025

The main content can be summarized as “6+1+4”. - An average annual growth of the value-
The “6” represents freedom and convenience of added of digital economy 30%
trade, investment, cross-border flow of capital,
access for talent, transportation, and secure - The value-added of tourism accounts for
and orderly flow of data. The “1” represents 12% of GDP
constructing a modern industrial system. Special
emphasis should be placed on the strengths - The value-added of modern service
and characteristics of Hainan when vigorously accounts for 35% of GDP
developing the tourism, modern service and high-
tech industries. The “4” represents strengthening - The value-added of high-tech accounts for
institutional building in terms of tax systems, 15% of GDP
social governance, rule of law, and risk prevention
and control systems. - The actual utilization of foreign investment
increases to US$5 billion by 2025
66 Government site of Hainan, https://www.

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