Page 76 - 2021 Special Report
P. 76
integrate local and foreign currencies into cross- the provincial financial year exceeds 100 million
border capital pools in mainland cities in the RMB for the first time, the provincial financial
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. department will give a one-time bonus of 30%
of their contribution to the provincial financial
II. Increase investment year, with a maximum reward of 100 million RMB.
Encourage local governments to introduce policies
(i) S t r e n g t h e n s u p p o r t f o r m a j o r f o r e i g n - to support the economic development of foreign-
funded projects. Ensure financial support from the funded headquarters.
provincial governments for major foreign-funded
projects, and reward not less than 2% of eligible III. Create a favorable environment to
new projects with annual actual foreign capital support the steady development of foreign-
(excluding loans from foreign shareholders) of capital enterprises
more than 50 million US dollars and projects with
capital increase of more than 30 million US dollars, Make good use of the provincial financing risk
with a maximum reward of 100 million RMB. compensation capital pool policy for processing
Establish and improve two levels of province and trade enterprises and supporting eligible foreign-
city special major foreign investment project work funded enterprises in applying for unsecured and
teams. Eligible projects with a total investment preferential interest rate loans. Support foreign-
of more than US$100 million that are under funded manufacturing enterprises in carrying out
negotiation, contract signing or construction will technological transformation through equipment
be included in the provincial special work team for awards and other means and further increase
major foreign investment projects in accordance incentives for qualified manufacturing enterprises
with the relevant procedures. Matters such as land engaged in processing trade in accordance with
use, energy consumption and pollutant discharge regulations. Support foreign-funded enterprises
shall be coordinated by the provincial government, in transferring marketable export products
and if the matter involves coordination by to domestic markets, strengthen channels for
national ministries and commissions, it shall be domestic sales, accurately match consumer
reported to them for support and settlement in a demand, and strengthen financing and credit
timely manner. Strengthen tracking reserves for support for domestic sales. Ensure that domestic
major foreign-funded projects, and implement and foreign-funded enterprises enjoy equal access
refined management of "one enterprise, one to state and provincial assistance policies. Guide
specialist," and "one project, one plan." Implement and assist key foreign-funded enterprises (projects)
reform measures to “transfer land using design in going through the procedures of inviting foreign
schemes” and ensure that large foreign-funded employees to Guangdong and "fast tracking" on
manufacturing projects that meet requirements the premise of strictly preventing the importation
can begin construction when they are handed over. of COVID-19 into Guangdong.
(ii) S u p p o r t t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f f o r e i g n Implementation Plan on Financial Support
funded headquarter enterprises. Speed up
the introduction of measures to encourage for The Construction of The Guangdong-Hong
multinational companies to set up headquarters
in Guangdong and improve the standards Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area
for establishing regional headquarters and
institutions with headquarters functions in On 31 July 2020, the Financial Supervision and
Guangdong. Approve foreign headquartered Administration Bureau of Guangdong Province
enterprises to enjoy facilitation measures in terms in combination with the People's Bank of China
of cross-border capital use, identification of high- Guangzhou Branch, Banking and Insurance
tech enterprises, entry and exit of personnel Regulatory Bureau of Guangdong Province,
and residence suspension, and enrollment Securities Regulatory Bureau of Guangdong
of employees' children. For foreign-funded Province, People's Bank of Shenzhen Central Sub-
headquartered enterprises whose contribution to branch, Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau
border capital pools in mainland cities in the RMB for the first time, the provincial financial
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. department will give a one-time bonus of 30%
of their contribution to the provincial financial
II. Increase investment year, with a maximum reward of 100 million RMB.
Encourage local governments to introduce policies
(i) S t r e n g t h e n s u p p o r t f o r m a j o r f o r e i g n - to support the economic development of foreign-
funded projects. Ensure financial support from the funded headquarters.
provincial governments for major foreign-funded
projects, and reward not less than 2% of eligible III. Create a favorable environment to
new projects with annual actual foreign capital support the steady development of foreign-
(excluding loans from foreign shareholders) of capital enterprises
more than 50 million US dollars and projects with
capital increase of more than 30 million US dollars, Make good use of the provincial financing risk
with a maximum reward of 100 million RMB. compensation capital pool policy for processing
Establish and improve two levels of province and trade enterprises and supporting eligible foreign-
city special major foreign investment project work funded enterprises in applying for unsecured and
teams. Eligible projects with a total investment preferential interest rate loans. Support foreign-
of more than US$100 million that are under funded manufacturing enterprises in carrying out
negotiation, contract signing or construction will technological transformation through equipment
be included in the provincial special work team for awards and other means and further increase
major foreign investment projects in accordance incentives for qualified manufacturing enterprises
with the relevant procedures. Matters such as land engaged in processing trade in accordance with
use, energy consumption and pollutant discharge regulations. Support foreign-funded enterprises
shall be coordinated by the provincial government, in transferring marketable export products
and if the matter involves coordination by to domestic markets, strengthen channels for
national ministries and commissions, it shall be domestic sales, accurately match consumer
reported to them for support and settlement in a demand, and strengthen financing and credit
timely manner. Strengthen tracking reserves for support for domestic sales. Ensure that domestic
major foreign-funded projects, and implement and foreign-funded enterprises enjoy equal access
refined management of "one enterprise, one to state and provincial assistance policies. Guide
specialist," and "one project, one plan." Implement and assist key foreign-funded enterprises (projects)
reform measures to “transfer land using design in going through the procedures of inviting foreign
schemes” and ensure that large foreign-funded employees to Guangdong and "fast tracking" on
manufacturing projects that meet requirements the premise of strictly preventing the importation
can begin construction when they are handed over. of COVID-19 into Guangdong.
(ii) S u p p o r t t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f f o r e i g n Implementation Plan on Financial Support
funded headquarter enterprises. Speed up
the introduction of measures to encourage for The Construction of The Guangdong-Hong
multinational companies to set up headquarters
in Guangdong and improve the standards Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area
for establishing regional headquarters and
institutions with headquarters functions in On 31 July 2020, the Financial Supervision and
Guangdong. Approve foreign headquartered Administration Bureau of Guangdong Province
enterprises to enjoy facilitation measures in terms in combination with the People's Bank of China
of cross-border capital use, identification of high- Guangzhou Branch, Banking and Insurance
tech enterprises, entry and exit of personnel Regulatory Bureau of Guangdong Province,
and residence suspension, and enrollment Securities Regulatory Bureau of Guangdong
of employees' children. For foreign-funded Province, People's Bank of Shenzhen Central Sub-
headquartered enterprises whose contribution to branch, Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau