Page 90 - 2020 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 90
0 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
1.5 Development of China’s
Intellectual Property Law in 2019
*Courtesy of Anderson & Anderson LLP
General Statistical Information inventions, with an increase of 5.7% over the
on China’s Intellectual Property same period in 2018, while the number of patent
Developments in 2019 applications for individual inventions decreased
by 46.0% year on year, and the proportion of
On 9th July, 2019, the National Intellectual individual invention continues to decline.
Property Administration of China published
its semiannual statistics report, regarding patents, In the first half of 2019, 3,438,000 trademark
geographical indications and layout-designs of registration applications have been received in
integrated circuits. China, which decreased by 4.1% on a year on
year basis, while 3,515,000 trademarks have
In the first half of 2019, 649,000 applications for been registered, which increased by 67.8% on
patents for inventions have been filed in China, a year on year basis. By the end of June, there
which decreased by 9.4%, compared to the same were 22,743,000 valid trademark registrations in
time last year; 238,000 patents for inventions China, with a year-on-year growth of 35.3%, and
have been authorized, which increased by 9.9%, every 5.2 market entities on average owned 1
on a year-on-year basis. Among the authorized valid trademark.
patents for inventions, 192,000 domestic patents
for inventions have been authorized, including During the first half of 2019, a total of 198,000
183,000 service inventions, accounting for 95.2%, applications for various trademark review and
and 9,000 non-service inventions, accounting appraisal cases had been received, and 159,000
for 7%. During the first half of the year, three cases were closed. 2,849 applications for
enterprises in China (excluding Hong Kong, international registration of Madrid trademarks
Macao and Taiwan) with the most authorized have been filed by Chinese applicants. By the end
patents for inventions were: Huawei Technologies of June 2019, 35,000 international registrations
Co. Ltd. (2,314), China Petroleum and Chemical of Madrid trademarks filed by Chinese applicants
Corporation (1,595) and Guangdong OPPO Mobile have been held valid.
Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. (1,312).
In the first half of 2019, China approved 229
In the first half of 2019, 24,000 international registered geographical indication trademarks
patent applications under PCT (Patent Cooperation and 116 enterprises using special marks for
Treaty) have been filed and reviewed, with a geographical indication products. As of the
4.9% year-on-year increase, among which 22,000 end of June 2019, a total of 5,090 geographical
domestic applications have been filed, with a 2.8% indication trademarks have been registered,
year-on-year increase. 2,380 geographical indication products (including
61 foreign geographical indications) have been
By the end of June 2019, every 10,000 people approved, 8295 enterprises have been approved
in China owned 12.5 patents for inventions, which for use of special marks, and 24 demonstration
are 1.0 patent more than the end of 2018, and areas for protection of national geographic
so China has reached the goal of 12 patents set indications have been established.
in the 13th Five-Year Plan in advance. In China,
applications for service inventions are up to In the first half of 2019, patent and trademark
91.2% of total domestic patents applications for administrative law enforcement departments
1.5 Development of China’s
Intellectual Property Law in 2019
*Courtesy of Anderson & Anderson LLP
General Statistical Information inventions, with an increase of 5.7% over the
on China’s Intellectual Property same period in 2018, while the number of patent
Developments in 2019 applications for individual inventions decreased
by 46.0% year on year, and the proportion of
On 9th July, 2019, the National Intellectual individual invention continues to decline.
Property Administration of China published
its semiannual statistics report, regarding patents, In the first half of 2019, 3,438,000 trademark
geographical indications and layout-designs of registration applications have been received in
integrated circuits. China, which decreased by 4.1% on a year on
year basis, while 3,515,000 trademarks have
In the first half of 2019, 649,000 applications for been registered, which increased by 67.8% on
patents for inventions have been filed in China, a year on year basis. By the end of June, there
which decreased by 9.4%, compared to the same were 22,743,000 valid trademark registrations in
time last year; 238,000 patents for inventions China, with a year-on-year growth of 35.3%, and
have been authorized, which increased by 9.9%, every 5.2 market entities on average owned 1
on a year-on-year basis. Among the authorized valid trademark.
patents for inventions, 192,000 domestic patents
for inventions have been authorized, including During the first half of 2019, a total of 198,000
183,000 service inventions, accounting for 95.2%, applications for various trademark review and
and 9,000 non-service inventions, accounting appraisal cases had been received, and 159,000
for 7%. During the first half of the year, three cases were closed. 2,849 applications for
enterprises in China (excluding Hong Kong, international registration of Madrid trademarks
Macao and Taiwan) with the most authorized have been filed by Chinese applicants. By the end
patents for inventions were: Huawei Technologies of June 2019, 35,000 international registrations
Co. Ltd. (2,314), China Petroleum and Chemical of Madrid trademarks filed by Chinese applicants
Corporation (1,595) and Guangdong OPPO Mobile have been held valid.
Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. (1,312).
In the first half of 2019, China approved 229
In the first half of 2019, 24,000 international registered geographical indication trademarks
patent applications under PCT (Patent Cooperation and 116 enterprises using special marks for
Treaty) have been filed and reviewed, with a geographical indication products. As of the
4.9% year-on-year increase, among which 22,000 end of June 2019, a total of 5,090 geographical
domestic applications have been filed, with a 2.8% indication trademarks have been registered,
year-on-year increase. 2,380 geographical indication products (including
61 foreign geographical indications) have been
By the end of June 2019, every 10,000 people approved, 8295 enterprises have been approved
in China owned 12.5 patents for inventions, which for use of special marks, and 24 demonstration
are 1.0 patent more than the end of 2018, and areas for protection of national geographic
so China has reached the goal of 12 patents set indications have been established.
in the 13th Five-Year Plan in advance. In China,
applications for service inventions are up to In the first half of 2019, patent and trademark
91.2% of total domestic patents applications for administrative law enforcement departments