Page 90 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 90
Fujian Consumption Notice aims to continue to aim to create a market-oriented, legalized and
stimulate consumption potential, enhance the internationalized business environment, and to
fundamental role of consumption in economic strengthen the confidence and competitiveness
development and promote high-quality of enterprise development by focusing on the
development by: expectations and needs of market players and
resolving "blocking" and "pain” points in investment
- Promoting the prosperity and development and production. Specific measures include:
of business districts (pedestrian streets),
encouraging localities to combine local i. Promoting foreign investment and trade
characteristics and creating business districts facilitation and improving the level of opening up
that integrate sales, leisure and entertainment.
The Fujian Opinions require: (a) effective
- Encouraging various forms of commercial protection of the fair treatment of foreign-invested
promotion and encouraging commercial districts enterprises; (b) further promotion of foreign
(pedestrian streets) to use commercial holidays, investment, prioritized inclusion of qualified
such as the Golden Week holiday to organize foreign investment projects in the scope of
shopping festivals, food festivals and other provincial key construction projects, and active
commercial promotions. efforts to include major foreign investment
projects that require state support in the scope of
- Creating a beneficial consumer circle, national major foreign investment projects, and
supporting the construction and reconstruction promote project realization as soon as possible;
of several community living service centers and and (c) reduced compliance costs for import and
providing extended convenience services such as export links and facilitation of customs clearance,
medical care, pensions, housekeeping, childcare, establishment of a coordination mechanism for
maintenance and food assistance. Areas included the supervision and management of port charges,
in the scope of urban old quarters reconstruction implementation of a list system for port charges,
can enjoy financial support and preferential tax and effective reduction of the compliance costs for
policies in accordance with regulations. container import and export.

- Developing a nightlife economy and ii. Decreasing the thresholds and restrictions,
encouraging shopping malls and business districts and creating a fair, transparent and rule-of-law
to delay closing times. development environment for enterprises with all
types of ownership
- Supporting the construction of cultural tourism
projects and facilities by promoting innovation and The Fujian Opinions require: (a) further
improvement projects for movies and television, loosening of restrictions on access to the social
opera, tourist attractions in cultural scenic spots, capital market by promoting the universal
cultural neighborhoods and scenic spots ranking implementation of "non-prohibited entry" by
3A or above. connecting with the negative list of new market
access in China; (b) a focus on reducing the
Implementation Opinions on Focusing difficulty of obtaining financing for small and
on Enterprise Concerns to Further medium-sized enterprises, increasing micro-
Promote the Implementation of Policies enterprise credit support, avoiding blindly
to Optimize the Business Environment ceasing lending, preventing arbitrary reductions
of credit granting, and abolishing "one-size-fits-
On November 7, 2019, the People's Government all" practices; and (c) loosening and abolition of
of Fujian Province issued the “Implementation local protections, administrative monopolies and
Opinions on Focusing on Enterprises Concerns obstructions to fair competition that restrict the
to Further Promote the Implementation of development of private enterprises and violate
the Optimizing Business Environment Policy” domestic and foreign investment policies and
(the "Fujian Opinions"). The Fujian Opinions measures, to achieve full coverage of provinces,

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