Page 74 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 74
IV. Cooperate Closely and Take Part in the - Promoting fee reduction policies and
"Belt and Road Initiative" measures to benefit more foreign trade
companies, establishing a coordination and
The Guangdong Outline proposes to: (i) forge a communication mechanism between industry
business environment with global competitiveness authorities and shipping companies and shipping
by utilizing the impact of markets on resource agencies, and promoting relevant links to fee
allocation, reducing government intervention, reduction policies and measures to benefit
strengthening comprehensive market supervision foreign trade companies.
and control, and formulating a first-class business
environment boasting stability, fairness, transparency II. Promoting customs clearance innovation
and predictability; (ii) raise market integration levels in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater
by pushing forward the facilitation of investment, Bay Area by:
trade, and personnel and cargo movement; and (iii)
jointly expand opening-up to the outside world by - Creating a “water freight bus” in the
forging a major support area of the "Belt and Road Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,
Initiative" by taking part in international economic promoting barges and port companies to establish
cooperation and developing international markets. cooperative alliances, integrating domestic and
foreign trade with ships, import and export with
Measures Optimizing the Port ships, barge water transfers and domestic trade
Business Environment and Promoting cross-border transportation modes to fix routes
Cross-border Trade Facilitation in and voyages and realize multi-port docking,
Guangdong Province loading and unloading.
On May 14, 2019, the People's Government - Promoting the development of multimodal
of Guangdong Province issued the notice transport, accelerating the establishment and
on “Measures Optimizing the Port Business improvement of the "collection and distribution"
Environment and Promoting Cross-border Trade logistics platform to achieve the free flow of
Facilitation in Guangdong Province”, focusing on logistics in Guangzhou ports, actively developing
the facilitation of foreign trade. Specific measures "sea-air combined transport" and "sea-rail
include: combined transport" multimodal transport
methods, and exploring and researching
I. Standardizing and decreasing port fees by: multimodal transport supervision and service
rules to achieve seamless links and enhance the
- Improving and standardizing the port fees overall competitiveness of the port.
catalog list, comprehensively implementing
the port fee catalog list system, and further - Improving the global quality traceability
improving the port fee catalog list with no platform and application mechanism, further
charges allowed from outside the list. improving the global quality traceability system,
and promoting the construction of a global quality
- Promoting the standardized reduction of port traceability center.
service charges, and establishing public handling
of import and export goods at the Baiyun Airport - Creating a demonstration zone for the quality
Platform, to promote the implementation of step- supervision of import and export commodities in
by-step reductions in operating service fees by the free trade zone.
cargo terminal operating units, such as cargo
handling fees, cargo storage fees, etc. - Promoting cross-border e-commerce global
compliance delivery centers, global distribution
- Promoting the reduction of operating service centers, international distribution centers and
fees in freight forwarding, shipping agencies, other business trials, further improving business
logistics, warehousing and port services. processes and regulatory processes, steadily
"Belt and Road Initiative" measures to benefit more foreign trade
companies, establishing a coordination and
The Guangdong Outline proposes to: (i) forge a communication mechanism between industry
business environment with global competitiveness authorities and shipping companies and shipping
by utilizing the impact of markets on resource agencies, and promoting relevant links to fee
allocation, reducing government intervention, reduction policies and measures to benefit
strengthening comprehensive market supervision foreign trade companies.
and control, and formulating a first-class business
environment boasting stability, fairness, transparency II. Promoting customs clearance innovation
and predictability; (ii) raise market integration levels in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater
by pushing forward the facilitation of investment, Bay Area by:
trade, and personnel and cargo movement; and (iii)
jointly expand opening-up to the outside world by - Creating a “water freight bus” in the
forging a major support area of the "Belt and Road Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,
Initiative" by taking part in international economic promoting barges and port companies to establish
cooperation and developing international markets. cooperative alliances, integrating domestic and
foreign trade with ships, import and export with
Measures Optimizing the Port ships, barge water transfers and domestic trade
Business Environment and Promoting cross-border transportation modes to fix routes
Cross-border Trade Facilitation in and voyages and realize multi-port docking,
Guangdong Province loading and unloading.
On May 14, 2019, the People's Government - Promoting the development of multimodal
of Guangdong Province issued the notice transport, accelerating the establishment and
on “Measures Optimizing the Port Business improvement of the "collection and distribution"
Environment and Promoting Cross-border Trade logistics platform to achieve the free flow of
Facilitation in Guangdong Province”, focusing on logistics in Guangzhou ports, actively developing
the facilitation of foreign trade. Specific measures "sea-air combined transport" and "sea-rail
include: combined transport" multimodal transport
methods, and exploring and researching
I. Standardizing and decreasing port fees by: multimodal transport supervision and service
rules to achieve seamless links and enhance the
- Improving and standardizing the port fees overall competitiveness of the port.
catalog list, comprehensively implementing
the port fee catalog list system, and further - Improving the global quality traceability
improving the port fee catalog list with no platform and application mechanism, further
charges allowed from outside the list. improving the global quality traceability system,
and promoting the construction of a global quality
- Promoting the standardized reduction of port traceability center.
service charges, and establishing public handling
of import and export goods at the Baiyun Airport - Creating a demonstration zone for the quality
Platform, to promote the implementation of step- supervision of import and export commodities in
by-step reductions in operating service fees by the free trade zone.
cargo terminal operating units, such as cargo
handling fees, cargo storage fees, etc. - Promoting cross-border e-commerce global
compliance delivery centers, global distribution
- Promoting the reduction of operating service centers, international distribution centers and
fees in freight forwarding, shipping agencies, other business trials, further improving business
logistics, warehousing and port services. processes and regulatory processes, steadily