Page 38 - 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 38
To accommodate the fluctuating sample siz- 为了降低受访企业数量变化对调查结果的
es, for the past few years we have reported 影响,我们今年采用以100家企业为基数,
reinvestment figures normalized to 100 compa- 对其进行同期的再投资预算对比,数据的计算方法
nies as a primary year-on-year comparison. The 是每一个类别的中间值乘以该类别在所有受访企业
figure is calculated as the products of the mean 所占的比例,而投资额的最高项(达到或超过2.5亿美
of each category range and the percentage of to- 元)则取最小值2.5亿美元。
tal respondents indicating that category, except in
the cast of the largest (US$250 million) category, 根据我们的调查结果,2020年在华预算再投资同
for which the minimum value is used. 比下降近百分之三,投资额预计达到188亿美元。
Noticeably we found that the reinvestment
from profits in China in 2020 was expected to
drop approximately 2.7% year-on-year and it was
estimated to mount to US$18.8 billion.
Normalized reinvestment figures 标准化投资数据(以100家企业所占比例为标准)
(Response distribution applied to 100 companies 2020年未来一年:US$ 3,163,800,000 (-2.7%)
by percentage share) 2019年未来一年:US$ 4,362,500,000 (+37.9%)
Projected 2020: US$ 3,163,800,000 (-2.7%) 2018年未来一年:US$ 3,163,800,000 (+11.8%)
Projected 2019: US$ 4,362,500,000 (+37.9%) 2017年未来一年:US$ 2,829,650,000 (-4.12%)
Projected 2018: US$ 3,163,800,000 (+11.8%) 2016年未来一年:US$ 3,296,485,000 (+8.79%)
Projected 2017: US$ 2,829,650,000 (-4.12%) 2015年未来一年:US$ 3,030,100,000 (-9.30%)
Projected 2016: US$ 3,296,485,000 (+8.79%) 2014年未来一年:US$ 3,343,500,000 (+30.10%)
Projected 2015: US$ 3,030,100,000 (-9.30%)
Projected 2014: US$ 3,343,500,000 (+30.10%) 预估投资额
Estimated reinvestment volumes 2020年未来一年:US$ 18,848,780,877 (-2.7%)
(Normalized, scaled by a factor representing 2019年未来一年:US$ 19,377,342,953 (+37.9%)
chamber membership) 2018年未来一年:US$ 14,052,959,916 (+11.8%)
Estimated 2020: US$ 18,848,780,877 (-2.7%) 2017年未来一年:US$ 12,568,733,177 (-4.12%)
Estimated 2019: US$ 19,377,342,953 (+37.9%) 2016年未来一年:US$ 13,087,053,000 (+8.79%)
Estimated 2018: US$ 14,052,959,916 (+11.8%) 2015年未来一年:US$ 12,029,504,000 (-9.30%)
Estimated 2017: US$ 12,568,733,177 (-4.12%) 2014年未来一年:US$ 13,273,703,000 (+30.10%)
Estimated 2016: US$ 13,087,053,000 (+8.79%)
Estimated 2015: US$ 12,029,504,000 (-9.30%)
Estimated 2014: US$ 13,273,703,000 (+30.10%)
es, for the past few years we have reported 影响,我们今年采用以100家企业为基数,
reinvestment figures normalized to 100 compa- 对其进行同期的再投资预算对比,数据的计算方法
nies as a primary year-on-year comparison. The 是每一个类别的中间值乘以该类别在所有受访企业
figure is calculated as the products of the mean 所占的比例,而投资额的最高项(达到或超过2.5亿美
of each category range and the percentage of to- 元)则取最小值2.5亿美元。
tal respondents indicating that category, except in
the cast of the largest (US$250 million) category, 根据我们的调查结果,2020年在华预算再投资同
for which the minimum value is used. 比下降近百分之三,投资额预计达到188亿美元。
Noticeably we found that the reinvestment
from profits in China in 2020 was expected to
drop approximately 2.7% year-on-year and it was
estimated to mount to US$18.8 billion.
Normalized reinvestment figures 标准化投资数据(以100家企业所占比例为标准)
(Response distribution applied to 100 companies 2020年未来一年:US$ 3,163,800,000 (-2.7%)
by percentage share) 2019年未来一年:US$ 4,362,500,000 (+37.9%)
Projected 2020: US$ 3,163,800,000 (-2.7%) 2018年未来一年:US$ 3,163,800,000 (+11.8%)
Projected 2019: US$ 4,362,500,000 (+37.9%) 2017年未来一年:US$ 2,829,650,000 (-4.12%)
Projected 2018: US$ 3,163,800,000 (+11.8%) 2016年未来一年:US$ 3,296,485,000 (+8.79%)
Projected 2017: US$ 2,829,650,000 (-4.12%) 2015年未来一年:US$ 3,030,100,000 (-9.30%)
Projected 2016: US$ 3,296,485,000 (+8.79%) 2014年未来一年:US$ 3,343,500,000 (+30.10%)
Projected 2015: US$ 3,030,100,000 (-9.30%)
Projected 2014: US$ 3,343,500,000 (+30.10%) 预估投资额
Estimated reinvestment volumes 2020年未来一年:US$ 18,848,780,877 (-2.7%)
(Normalized, scaled by a factor representing 2019年未来一年:US$ 19,377,342,953 (+37.9%)
chamber membership) 2018年未来一年:US$ 14,052,959,916 (+11.8%)
Estimated 2020: US$ 18,848,780,877 (-2.7%) 2017年未来一年:US$ 12,568,733,177 (-4.12%)
Estimated 2019: US$ 19,377,342,953 (+37.9%) 2016年未来一年:US$ 13,087,053,000 (+8.79%)
Estimated 2018: US$ 14,052,959,916 (+11.8%) 2015年未来一年:US$ 12,029,504,000 (-9.30%)
Estimated 2017: US$ 12,568,733,177 (-4.12%) 2014年未来一年:US$ 13,273,703,000 (+30.10%)
Estimated 2016: US$ 13,087,053,000 (+8.79%)
Estimated 2015: US$ 12,029,504,000 (-9.30%)
Estimated 2014: US$ 13,273,703,000 (+30.10%)