Page 506 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 506
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

In this year’s study, we found more than 70% of respondents had actually made
reinvestments in China in 2017. This is, however, around 10% less than what was
expected in our last year’s findings. While the number of companies making lower re-
investment amounts in 2017 is basically the same as predicted in last year’s survey, the
proportion of respondents that realized high-volume reinvestments (US$250 million
or more) in 2017 exceeded our expectation with a 6% increase and also enjoyed a 3%
increase compared with the high-volume actual reinvestments made in 2016. Overall,
we witnessed a very small degree of fluctuation of actual reinvestments of different
amounts in 2017 compared with those of 2016.

Comparison of the Share of Companies’
2016 Budgeted & Actual Reinvestment in China*

breakdowns of surveyed Companies’ Budgeted & Actual Reinvestment in China in 2017

   501   502   503   504   505   506   507   508   509   510   511