Page 258 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 258
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

2.7 Travel and Leisure

Background employment (Turner). China’s tourism industry raked
in close to $350 billion in revenue during the first half
The China National Tourism Administration of 2016, a year-on-year increase of nearly 12.5 percent.
(CNTA)’s report predicts that the number National Tourism Administration statistics show that
of visits by Chinese travelers in China will increase domestic tourists made 2.24 billion trips in the first half
10 percent year-on-year, reaching 4.88 billion and of the year. China’s tourism industry contributed close to
generating 4.4 trillion yuan ($635 billion) in revenue, an 11 percent of China’s overall GDP in 2016 and also created
increase of 12.5 percent. Inbound tourism generated more than 10 percent of the new jobs across the country.
about $126 billion in revenue, with 140 million visits, Government spending in the sector increased by over
while Chinese outbound tourists are set to take 123 40 percent in 2015 to around 1 trillion yuan, but tourism
million trips in 2017, a 4 percent year-on-year increase. industry officials expected this to triple by 2020 (China
The Administration said the tourism industry’s steady Domestic). While that is a huge figure, it is not unfeasible
growth has contributed greatly to China’s economic given the domestic tourism industry has grown at an
growth. In 2016, the travel and tourism trade surplus average 22.4 percent per year since 1985 when it was a
was $10.2 billion, a year-on-year increase of 11.5 percent. mere $1.3 billion (Dasgupta).
Same year, Chinese travelers went on 4.44 billion trips
within China, an increase of 11 percent year-on-year that The hottest area for investment in 2017 was rural
generated 3.9 trillion yuan in revenue, an increase of 14 tourism, which attracted 2.2 billion tourists, half of China’s
percent. Over the same period there were 138 million total number of domestic tourists. Other growth sectors
trips made by inbound tourists, generating $120 billion attracting investment include helicopter tours and
in revenue. Meanwhile, Chinese outbound tourists went internet‐based tourism services said the Administration
on about 122 million trips, a 4.3 percent year-on-year in a 2016 report on China’s tourism investment. Another
increase (Zhou). China’s tourism industry is key to the sector listed in the report is big data. The service industry,
country’s shift toward a more service-driven economy including tourism, has become a fresh engine to drive
and is a useful indicator of the strength of consumer China’s slowing economy as traditional industries lose
spending. The domestic sector raked in 3.9 trillion yuan steam. Li Jinzao, Head of the CNTA, said China’s tourism
in 2016, which Beijing wants to raise to 7 trillion yuan by industry was entering a “golden age” and he predicted
2020. Investment in China’s tourism sector maintained “explosive growth” for the industry in the upcoming
strong growth through 2017 due to the country’s steady years, with more than 14 billion trips being made
economic development, rising incomes and an upgrade annually by 2040. This figure would mean every Chinese
in consumer trends. Direct investment in the tourism person traveled at least nine times a year (Song). China’s
industry reached 1.5 trillion yuan, representing a more business travel market overtook the United States as the
than 20 percent jump compared to 2016, according to world’s largest in 2015. China also ranks ahead of all other
the China National Tourism Administration (Jourdan). countries in terms of domestic tourist trips, outbound
trips, and tourism revenue (Dasgupta).
The direct contribution of travel and tourism was
1.828 trillion yuan, 2.5 percent of total GDP in 2016 and China ranks ahead of all other countries in terms
is expected to rise 7.5 percent per year for the next ten of domestic tourist trips, outbound trips and tourism
years to 3.1 percent of the total GDP. By 2027, travel revenue. The numbers continued to grow in 2017.
and tourism is forecast to support 99,331,000 jobs (12.5 Inbound tourism was expected to increase 3.5 percent
percent of total employment), an increase of 3.5 percent to 143 million trips with international tourism increasing
over the period. In 2016 travel and tourism directly by 5 percent to $126 billion. Domestic tourism was
supported 23,680,500 jobs, or 3.1 percent of the total expected to increase by 10 percent to 4.88 billion trips

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