Page 214 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 214
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
be attributed to Australia and China, which together Works Cited
accounted for almost half of the global decline in 2016.
As a consequence, yearly budget for iron ore exploration Astakhova, Olesya, and Oksana Kobzeva. “Russia-
is now down 83 percent from the peak of $3.98 billion it China Talks over New Gas Routes Stalled - Sources - ET
reached in 2012 (Upbeat China). EnergyWorld.” Source., 07 June 2017.
Web. 01 Aug. 2017.
Reuters actually claimed that iron was back from the
dead, predicting rocketing iron ore prices may prompt Baraniuk, Chris. “Future Energy: China Leads World in
Chinese producers to reopen mines shuttered years Solar Power Production.” BBC News. BBC, 22 June 2017.
ago in a sector downturn. This could potentially tighten Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
the market for marginal foreign suppliers to the world’s
biggest importing country. A revival could help Chinese Basov, Vladimir. “China Is Burning through Its Natural
steel mills cut raw material import costs, boosting Resources.” InfoMine, 26 Apr. 2015. Web. 6
margins amid rising steel prices. If more domestic ore is Aug. 2017.
produced, mills could also use that as leverage to push
for better deals on seaborne imports from top suppliers. Bignell, Chris. “Is China the New Frontier for Oil and
“Quite a few Chinese iron ore miners are planning to Gas?” Fluenta. Fluenta, 26 May 2017. Web. 01 Aug. 2017.
come back and reopen their mines,” said Pan Guocheng,
Head of medium-sized miner China Hanking Holdings. Brew, Gregory. “Is This The First Sign Of A U.S., Chinese
While low prices led to closure of more than a third of Solar War?”, 12 June 2017.
China’s iron ore capacity since 2013, Pan expected nearly Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
half of those mines to restart—if the price stayed above
$80 for another six months. Hanking is now considering Brown, Matthew, and Katy Daigle. “S Coal Making a
restarting one of three mines it closed when times were Comeback?” U.S. News and World Report,
leaner. “If the price will stay high,” said Pan, “we are 26 June 2017. Web. 5 Aug. 2017.
going to seriously re-evaluate if that mine should be
reopened” (Serapio). Calcuttawala, Zainab. “Is China Liberalizing Its Oil And
Gas Industry At The Right Time?” OilPrice.
com, 28 May 2017. Web. 02 Aug. 2017.
Chang, Lulu. “China Is Now the World’s Largest Solar
Power Producer.” Digital Trends. Digital Trends, 04 Apr.
2017. Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
Chen, Stephen. “China Successfully Extracted Gas
from ‘flammable Ice’ and It Could Lead to a New Source of
Energy.” Business Insider. Business Insider, 18 May 2017.
Web. 31 July 2017.
Chen, Stephen. “China’s Solar Panels Are Going to Be a
Big Environmental Problem.” South China Morning Post.
N.p., 30 July 2017. Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
“China Claims Breakthrough in Mining ‘flammable Ice’.”
BBC News. BBC, 19 May 2017. Web. 31 July 2017.
“China.” IHA. International Hydropower Association,
May 2017. Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
“China’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle.”World Nuclear Association.
World Nuclear Association, July 2017. Web. 05 Aug. 2017.
be attributed to Australia and China, which together Works Cited
accounted for almost half of the global decline in 2016.
As a consequence, yearly budget for iron ore exploration Astakhova, Olesya, and Oksana Kobzeva. “Russia-
is now down 83 percent from the peak of $3.98 billion it China Talks over New Gas Routes Stalled - Sources - ET
reached in 2012 (Upbeat China). EnergyWorld.” Source., 07 June 2017.
Web. 01 Aug. 2017.
Reuters actually claimed that iron was back from the
dead, predicting rocketing iron ore prices may prompt Baraniuk, Chris. “Future Energy: China Leads World in
Chinese producers to reopen mines shuttered years Solar Power Production.” BBC News. BBC, 22 June 2017.
ago in a sector downturn. This could potentially tighten Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
the market for marginal foreign suppliers to the world’s
biggest importing country. A revival could help Chinese Basov, Vladimir. “China Is Burning through Its Natural
steel mills cut raw material import costs, boosting Resources.” InfoMine, 26 Apr. 2015. Web. 6
margins amid rising steel prices. If more domestic ore is Aug. 2017.
produced, mills could also use that as leverage to push
for better deals on seaborne imports from top suppliers. Bignell, Chris. “Is China the New Frontier for Oil and
“Quite a few Chinese iron ore miners are planning to Gas?” Fluenta. Fluenta, 26 May 2017. Web. 01 Aug. 2017.
come back and reopen their mines,” said Pan Guocheng,
Head of medium-sized miner China Hanking Holdings. Brew, Gregory. “Is This The First Sign Of A U.S., Chinese
While low prices led to closure of more than a third of Solar War?”, 12 June 2017.
China’s iron ore capacity since 2013, Pan expected nearly Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
half of those mines to restart—if the price stayed above
$80 for another six months. Hanking is now considering Brown, Matthew, and Katy Daigle. “S Coal Making a
restarting one of three mines it closed when times were Comeback?” U.S. News and World Report,
leaner. “If the price will stay high,” said Pan, “we are 26 June 2017. Web. 5 Aug. 2017.
going to seriously re-evaluate if that mine should be
reopened” (Serapio). Calcuttawala, Zainab. “Is China Liberalizing Its Oil And
Gas Industry At The Right Time?” OilPrice.
com, 28 May 2017. Web. 02 Aug. 2017.
Chang, Lulu. “China Is Now the World’s Largest Solar
Power Producer.” Digital Trends. Digital Trends, 04 Apr.
2017. Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
Chen, Stephen. “China Successfully Extracted Gas
from ‘flammable Ice’ and It Could Lead to a New Source of
Energy.” Business Insider. Business Insider, 18 May 2017.
Web. 31 July 2017.
Chen, Stephen. “China’s Solar Panels Are Going to Be a
Big Environmental Problem.” South China Morning Post.
N.p., 30 July 2017. Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
“China Claims Breakthrough in Mining ‘flammable Ice’.”
BBC News. BBC, 19 May 2017. Web. 31 July 2017.
“China.” IHA. International Hydropower Association,
May 2017. Web. 04 Aug. 2017.
“China’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle.”World Nuclear Association.
World Nuclear Association, July 2017. Web. 05 Aug. 2017.