Page 94 - 2018 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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service outsourcing, commercial exhibition, shipping carry out offshore call center businesses and provide
and logistics and R&D industries. The Plan encourages telecom services.
the introduction of Taiwanese hospitals, rehabilitation
centers and retirement homes to Fujian, and Taiwanese · Taiwanese investors may set up WFOE sailor
residents are encouraged to start businesses and dispatch institutions in the FTZ and provide sailor
participate in politics in Fujian. dispatch services to commercial ships owned by
Taiwanese, without the establishment of a shipping
Fujian’s import/export value reached US$169.38billion management enterprise.
in 2015. Exports reached US$113.02 billion, while
imports reached US$56.34billion. For 2016, trade · Taiwanese-invested JV travel agencies (capped at
volume is expected to grow by 12 percent, and foreign a number of three) are now allowed to provide Taiwan
investment by 6 percent. group travel services for Fujian residents; Taiwanese tour
guides who have lived in the FTZ for over one year will
Spotlight on Fujian FTZ be allowed to take the Chinese tour guide exam and
work in China.
Fujian’s FTZ, which mainly aims to strengthen the
province’s cooperation and economic ties with Taiwan · Taiwanese construction WFOEs are encouraged to
and further open up its financial sector for foreign undertake construction projects in Fujian Province.
investment, was officially established in April, 2015.
· Eligible Taiwanese accountants are allowed
Currently, the Fujian FTZ covers an area of 118.04 to establish intermediary agencies to provide
square kilometers and consists of the three following, bookkeeping services.
pre-existing development zones:
· Eligible Taiwanese investors may provide online
· Pingtan Area (43 square kilometers) data processing and transaction processing services
· Major industries: tourism, trade and investment (e-commerce business only) in the FTZ.
· Xiamen (43,78 square kilometers, including Xiangyu
Bonded Zone and Xiamen Haicang Bonded Port)
· Major focus: China-Taiwan regional financial services
and regional aviation
· Fuzhou (31.26 square kilometers, including Fuzhou
Bonded Zone, Export Processing Zone and Fuzhou
Bonded Port)
· Major industries: advanced manufacturing, aviation
and professional services
In order to establish a ‘Taiwan Strait Industrial Cluster’,
the Fujian FTZ will fully open up its creative and medical
industries for Taiwanese investors. Meanwhile, the Free
Trade Zone will also concentrate on the development
of the financial services industry. Coupled with faster
corporate set-up procedures, the Fujian FTZ enables
foreign investors to further integrate their Greater China
operations, or to cut down on delivery times by using
the newly available Fujian-Taiwan combination.
Generally, Taiwanese investors can enjoy the below
beneficial policies:
· Taiwanese service providers are allowed to set up
JV or wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) to
and logistics and R&D industries. The Plan encourages telecom services.
the introduction of Taiwanese hospitals, rehabilitation
centers and retirement homes to Fujian, and Taiwanese · Taiwanese investors may set up WFOE sailor
residents are encouraged to start businesses and dispatch institutions in the FTZ and provide sailor
participate in politics in Fujian. dispatch services to commercial ships owned by
Taiwanese, without the establishment of a shipping
Fujian’s import/export value reached US$169.38billion management enterprise.
in 2015. Exports reached US$113.02 billion, while
imports reached US$56.34billion. For 2016, trade · Taiwanese-invested JV travel agencies (capped at
volume is expected to grow by 12 percent, and foreign a number of three) are now allowed to provide Taiwan
investment by 6 percent. group travel services for Fujian residents; Taiwanese tour
guides who have lived in the FTZ for over one year will
Spotlight on Fujian FTZ be allowed to take the Chinese tour guide exam and
work in China.
Fujian’s FTZ, which mainly aims to strengthen the
province’s cooperation and economic ties with Taiwan · Taiwanese construction WFOEs are encouraged to
and further open up its financial sector for foreign undertake construction projects in Fujian Province.
investment, was officially established in April, 2015.
· Eligible Taiwanese accountants are allowed
Currently, the Fujian FTZ covers an area of 118.04 to establish intermediary agencies to provide
square kilometers and consists of the three following, bookkeeping services.
pre-existing development zones:
· Eligible Taiwanese investors may provide online
· Pingtan Area (43 square kilometers) data processing and transaction processing services
· Major industries: tourism, trade and investment (e-commerce business only) in the FTZ.
· Xiamen (43,78 square kilometers, including Xiangyu
Bonded Zone and Xiamen Haicang Bonded Port)
· Major focus: China-Taiwan regional financial services
and regional aviation
· Fuzhou (31.26 square kilometers, including Fuzhou
Bonded Zone, Export Processing Zone and Fuzhou
Bonded Port)
· Major industries: advanced manufacturing, aviation
and professional services
In order to establish a ‘Taiwan Strait Industrial Cluster’,
the Fujian FTZ will fully open up its creative and medical
industries for Taiwanese investors. Meanwhile, the Free
Trade Zone will also concentrate on the development
of the financial services industry. Coupled with faster
corporate set-up procedures, the Fujian FTZ enables
foreign investors to further integrate their Greater China
operations, or to cut down on delivery times by using
the newly available Fujian-Taiwan combination.
Generally, Taiwanese investors can enjoy the below
beneficial policies:
· Taiwanese service providers are allowed to set up
JV or wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) to