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United Airlines and United Express operate an average of nearly 美国联合航空公司及联航快运平均每日运营5,000架
5,000 flights a day to 362 airports across six continents. In 2014, 次航班,飞往6大洲362个机场。2015年,美联航和联航
United and United Express operated nearly two million flights car- 快运的航班总数约200万班次,为1.38亿乘客提供优质的
rying 138 million customers. United is proud to have the world’s 航班服务。美联航凭借其广泛的网络优势,在美国本土
most comprehensive route network, including U.S. mainland hubs 芝加哥、丹佛、休斯顿、洛杉矶、纽约/纽瓦克、旧金山
in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San 及华盛顿等枢纽机场间运营着超过700条主要航线。
Francisco and Washington, D.C.
United started non-stop service to China in 1986 and today 航班服务,包括:北京飞往芝加哥、纽约/纽瓦克、旧
serves Beijing with non-stop flights to Chicago, New York/Newark, 金山和华盛顿的直飞航班;上海飞往芝加哥、关岛、洛
San Francisco and Washington, D.C./Dulles, Shanghai with non- 杉矶、纽约/纽瓦克和旧金山的直飞航班;成都直飞旧
stop flights to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York/Newark and San 金山的航班;香港飞往芝加哥、关岛、纽约/纽瓦克、
Francisco; and Hong Kong with non-stop flights to Chicago, New 旧金山、新加坡以及胡志明市的直飞航班。
York/Newark, San Francisco, Guam, Singapore and Ho Chi Minh
City. United is a founding member of Star Alliance, the world’s larg-
est and most comprehensive airline alliance, whose other members
include Air China. United and Air China have a bilateral partnership
that includes code-sharing on selected routes and provides customers
with both carriers additional travel benefits such as airport lounge ac-
cess and frequent flyer program reciprocity.

For the past 32 years, The China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel has hosted 广州中国大酒店是国内首批中外合作经营的大型
leaders of nations and commerce as well as thousands of guests as the first 五星级酒店,更是万豪国际集团在这个发展迅速的大都
Sino-foreign cooperative five-star hotel in mainland China. It is also one of 会的旗舰酒店。在过去的三十二年里, 中国大酒店成功
Marriott International’s flagship hotels in Asia Pacific. Located in the heart 接待了来自世界各地的商务旅行者和国家领袖。坐落于
of “old Canton”, The China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel has been home to not 广州市繁华的中心地段。凭着其得天独厚的地理位置及
only leaders of nations and commerce … but also discriminating guests and 殷勤周到的服务,多年来,中国大酒店一直备受各商界
thousands of star-kissed lovers. 名流和品位人士的青睐。中国大酒店共有850间格调高
We offer 850 rooms and suites ranging from deluxe rooms to 让宾客尽享和谐舒适及先进优势,享受宾至如归的同时
presidential suites. Rooms have been specially designed to be both elegant 让您随时在线,处理公务更加方便,更合心意。
and functional, in a thoroughly modern style combining traditional
Chinese style and the latest technology. Guests experience a traditional
welcome and all the comforts of home but with the necessary cyber
facilities to conduct business away from your home base.
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