Page 36 - 2016_SpecialReport_web
P. 36
6 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
Q: Is your company involved in or plans on being involved in the new “Cross-Border E-
Commerce” initiative by the Chinese government?
If your company is involved in or plans on being involved in Cross Border E-Com-
merce, where do you expect most of your foreign imports to China come from?
As Cross-border E-commerce is Uncertain 80% No No United States
developing rapidly in China, we have (34%) 70% (16%) (19%) Other North American countries
added this question to ask whether the 60% South America
No 50%Y(8e4s%) Yes Europe
(53%) 40% (81%) Asia Paci c
30% Other Asian countries
participating companies have been or Yes 20% Africa
plan on being involved in the “Cross- (13%) 10% Other
border E-commerce” Initiative by
2016 0%
the Chinese government. Results shows that over half of the
participants either haven’t been or are not planing on being
involved. We also see 33.7 percent reporting to be “Uncertain”
about the new initiative.
Of those companies have been or plan on being involved in States. Also top on the rank are “Europe” and “Other Asian
Countries” who interestingly exceeded “Asia Pacific” to be a
the “Cross-border E-commerce” Initiative, 61 percent reported major destination for foreign imports to China.
most of their foreign imports to China come from United
Q: In the event of a Bilateral Investment Treaty between the United States and China, how
do you anticipate your China investment budget to change?
80% Greater than $250 million This year we added a question about influences of the Bi-
70% Between $50 million and $250 million lateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between the United States and
60% Between $10 million and $50 million China on the investment budgets of the participating compa-
50% Between $1 million and $10 million nies. The results indicated that 27.5 percent think their invest-
40% Less than $1 million ment budgets will increase due to the BIT.
30% No change
20% Of those participating companies anticipating increases in
10% their investment budgets, 8 percent of the participants think
their budgets will greatly increase with an amount of “Greater
0% than $250 million”, while 73.3 percent anticipate the increase to
Decrease < No change > Increase be under $10 million.
Finally, of the small number of participating companies
anticipating a decrease in their investment budgets, a fully one
hundred percent anticipated the decrease will be less than $10
million. The results indicate that a majority of the participat-
ing companies see the BIT as an opportunity for their business
Q: Is your company involved in or plans on being involved in the new “Cross-Border E-
Commerce” initiative by the Chinese government?
If your company is involved in or plans on being involved in Cross Border E-Com-
merce, where do you expect most of your foreign imports to China come from?
As Cross-border E-commerce is Uncertain 80% No No United States
developing rapidly in China, we have (34%) 70% (16%) (19%) Other North American countries
added this question to ask whether the 60% South America
No 50%Y(8e4s%) Yes Europe
(53%) 40% (81%) Asia Paci c
30% Other Asian countries
participating companies have been or Yes 20% Africa
plan on being involved in the “Cross- (13%) 10% Other
border E-commerce” Initiative by
2016 0%
the Chinese government. Results shows that over half of the
participants either haven’t been or are not planing on being
involved. We also see 33.7 percent reporting to be “Uncertain”
about the new initiative.
Of those companies have been or plan on being involved in States. Also top on the rank are “Europe” and “Other Asian
Countries” who interestingly exceeded “Asia Pacific” to be a
the “Cross-border E-commerce” Initiative, 61 percent reported major destination for foreign imports to China.
most of their foreign imports to China come from United
Q: In the event of a Bilateral Investment Treaty between the United States and China, how
do you anticipate your China investment budget to change?
80% Greater than $250 million This year we added a question about influences of the Bi-
70% Between $50 million and $250 million lateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between the United States and
60% Between $10 million and $50 million China on the investment budgets of the participating compa-
50% Between $1 million and $10 million nies. The results indicated that 27.5 percent think their invest-
40% Less than $1 million ment budgets will increase due to the BIT.
30% No change
20% Of those participating companies anticipating increases in
10% their investment budgets, 8 percent of the participants think
their budgets will greatly increase with an amount of “Greater
0% than $250 million”, while 73.3 percent anticipate the increase to
Decrease < No change > Increase be under $10 million.
Finally, of the small number of participating companies
anticipating a decrease in their investment budgets, a fully one
hundred percent anticipated the decrease will be less than $10
million. The results indicate that a majority of the participat-
ing companies see the BIT as an opportunity for their business