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P. 14
6 Special Report on the State of Business in South China

Q: Which category best describes the primary focus of your busi-
ness activities in China?
Providing goods or services 24.4%
to the Chinese market

Manufacturing primarily for export

The proportion of participating companies reporting that Participants involved in the manufacturing or trade of goods
their primary business focus was providing goods or services were this year most likely to be in the “Other” and “Electronic
to the Chinese market this year, which was 75.6 percent, was equipment, household appliances and components”. “Textile,
similar to last year. apparel, accessories and leather” and “Machinery (not electron-
ic)”, both with a percentage of 9.6 percent surpassed “Chemi-
Early iterations of this study had found a small majority of cals” this year to rank top on the list.
companies doing manufacturing or trading, whereas in recent
years that majority had belonged to the group of companies Participants in service industries, meanwhile, were most
offering services to the market. This year’s results find the pro- likely to be in the “Professional services”, “Business services” and
portion of participants involved in service industries rose over “Tourism and travel-related services” categories.
5 percent while the difference was made up by declined in the
share of participants involved in the trade of goods.

Q: How many people does your company currently employ in China?

30% More than 5,000 This year’s results saw a 4.3 percent in-
25% Between 1,000 and 5,000 crease in participants employing more than
20% Between 500 and 1,000 5,000 employees being offset by decline in
15% the other options except the “Between 500
10% and 1,000 employee”.

5% Between 250 and 500
Between 50 and 250
Less than 50

2015 2014

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