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5 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
enterprises in Xiamen to open up their overseas markets. province’s import structure;
Xiamen’s more prominent service outsourcing businesses in- • Strengthen the certi cation of enterprises and prod-
clude information technology service outsourcing targeted to- ucts entering the global market; and
wards the Japanese market, logistics and supply chain outsourc- • Expand cooperation with Hong Kong and encourage
ing, as well as integrated circuit design, animated games and call
center service outsourcing businesses targeted towards Taiwan. Hong Kong nancial institutions to set up branches
in Fujian.
e Fujian provincial government has a standing policy to
promote the development of emerging industries, including Much of the Plan’s focus is placed on cooperation with
next-generation information technology, biotechnology and Taiwan, for example in modern services such as the legal, in-
new medicine, new materials, new energy, energy-saving tech- termediary, medical and health, cultural, service outsourcing,
nology, high-end equipment manufacturing, and the marine commercial exhibition, shipping and logistics and R&D in-
high-tech industry. By 2015, the provincial government aims dustries. e Plan encourages the introduction of Taiwanese
to increase the value of emerging industries to RMB300 bil- hospitals, rehabilitation centers and retirement homes to Fuji-
lion, accounting for 12 percent of Fujian’s GDP. an, and Taiwanese residents are encouraged to start businesses
and participate in politics in Fujian.
e province is now vigorously promoting the marine
economy as its new growth engine. Fujian initiated related Fujian’s import/export value grew by 8.6 percent to
pilot projects in 2013, targeting a total output value of the US$169.35 billion in 2013. Exports exceeded US$100 billion
industry of RMB730 billion by 2015. If achieved, this would for the rst time, while imports reached US$62.85 billion (an
contribute more than 28 percent of total regional product increase of 8.2 percent). For 2014, trade volume is expected to
and turn the province into a marine economic powerhouse grow by 7 percent, and foreign investment by 5 percent.
by 2020. e province is also set to improve the organization
of its ports and optimize resource allocation. e province’s Spotlight on Development Zones
coastal resources for building deep water berths of 10,000 Fujian’s development zones received great attention under
tons to 30,000 tons rank rst in the country; this is planned as
the basis for an ambitious move to turn Fujian an internation- China’s 11th Five Year Plan, in which the State Council
ally competitive shipping center. To this end, the provincial approved free trade port zones both in Xiamen and Fuzhou
government has plans to establish a special fund of RMB1 and upgraded three provincial development zones - China
billion for the development of marine economy. Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone, Quanzhou
Economic and Technological Development Zone, Quanzhou
Fujian’s 12th Five-Year Plan encourages foreign invest- High-tech Industrial Development Zone - to state level status.
ment in newly emerging strategic industries, modern services,
energy conservation and environmental protection, and other Fujian’s development zones are also representative of the
key industries. e Plan also aims to: province’s economy as a whole. For example, the province’s
development zones include three state-level investment zones
• Increase cooperation with large international corporations speci cally aimed at Taiwanese businesses, located in Fuzhou,
through technological cooperation and asset M&As; Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. Auto-parts are a major product
in Fujian province and this is no more clearly seen than in
• Optimize the structure of exported products by en- Hua’an Economic Development Zone, which is home to the
couraging the export of high-tech, electrical and me- “aluminum wheel production project.” According to Fujian
chanical products with independent IPR, as well as government plans, this zone will develop an auto spare parts
high added-value labor-intensive products; industrial cluster that produces car wheels, car bearings, tires
as well as auto glass products, among others. In addition, sev-
• Promote the accelerated transformation and upgrad- eral new-energy vehicles and fork-lift trucks manufacturers
ing of the processing trade, and encourage domestic will also be housed in the area.
and foreign enterprises to cooperate in the expansion
from simple assembly and processing to the inclusion e West Coast Economic Zone (also known as the
of R&D, design, core component manufacturing, Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone) covers the entirety
and logistics; of Fujian province, as well as several cities in the Zhejiang,
Guangdong, and Jiangxi provinces. e Zone, described in
• Restrict the export of high-energy consumption, China’s 12th Five Year Plan, was proposed by the Fujian gov-
high-pollution and resource-intensive products; ernment and Chinese central government with the purpose
of facilitating political and economic relationships across the
• Encourage the import of advanced equipment and Taiwan Straits and accelerating economic development along
technologies, important resources, key component the coastal cities in Fujian province.
parts and goods for daily consumption that are neces-
sary for economic development so as to optimize the
enterprises in Xiamen to open up their overseas markets. province’s import structure;
Xiamen’s more prominent service outsourcing businesses in- • Strengthen the certi cation of enterprises and prod-
clude information technology service outsourcing targeted to- ucts entering the global market; and
wards the Japanese market, logistics and supply chain outsourc- • Expand cooperation with Hong Kong and encourage
ing, as well as integrated circuit design, animated games and call
center service outsourcing businesses targeted towards Taiwan. Hong Kong nancial institutions to set up branches
in Fujian.
e Fujian provincial government has a standing policy to
promote the development of emerging industries, including Much of the Plan’s focus is placed on cooperation with
next-generation information technology, biotechnology and Taiwan, for example in modern services such as the legal, in-
new medicine, new materials, new energy, energy-saving tech- termediary, medical and health, cultural, service outsourcing,
nology, high-end equipment manufacturing, and the marine commercial exhibition, shipping and logistics and R&D in-
high-tech industry. By 2015, the provincial government aims dustries. e Plan encourages the introduction of Taiwanese
to increase the value of emerging industries to RMB300 bil- hospitals, rehabilitation centers and retirement homes to Fuji-
lion, accounting for 12 percent of Fujian’s GDP. an, and Taiwanese residents are encouraged to start businesses
and participate in politics in Fujian.
e province is now vigorously promoting the marine
economy as its new growth engine. Fujian initiated related Fujian’s import/export value grew by 8.6 percent to
pilot projects in 2013, targeting a total output value of the US$169.35 billion in 2013. Exports exceeded US$100 billion
industry of RMB730 billion by 2015. If achieved, this would for the rst time, while imports reached US$62.85 billion (an
contribute more than 28 percent of total regional product increase of 8.2 percent). For 2014, trade volume is expected to
and turn the province into a marine economic powerhouse grow by 7 percent, and foreign investment by 5 percent.
by 2020. e province is also set to improve the organization
of its ports and optimize resource allocation. e province’s Spotlight on Development Zones
coastal resources for building deep water berths of 10,000 Fujian’s development zones received great attention under
tons to 30,000 tons rank rst in the country; this is planned as
the basis for an ambitious move to turn Fujian an internation- China’s 11th Five Year Plan, in which the State Council
ally competitive shipping center. To this end, the provincial approved free trade port zones both in Xiamen and Fuzhou
government has plans to establish a special fund of RMB1 and upgraded three provincial development zones - China
billion for the development of marine economy. Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone, Quanzhou
Economic and Technological Development Zone, Quanzhou
Fujian’s 12th Five-Year Plan encourages foreign invest- High-tech Industrial Development Zone - to state level status.
ment in newly emerging strategic industries, modern services,
energy conservation and environmental protection, and other Fujian’s development zones are also representative of the
key industries. e Plan also aims to: province’s economy as a whole. For example, the province’s
development zones include three state-level investment zones
• Increase cooperation with large international corporations speci cally aimed at Taiwanese businesses, located in Fuzhou,
through technological cooperation and asset M&As; Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. Auto-parts are a major product
in Fujian province and this is no more clearly seen than in
• Optimize the structure of exported products by en- Hua’an Economic Development Zone, which is home to the
couraging the export of high-tech, electrical and me- “aluminum wheel production project.” According to Fujian
chanical products with independent IPR, as well as government plans, this zone will develop an auto spare parts
high added-value labor-intensive products; industrial cluster that produces car wheels, car bearings, tires
as well as auto glass products, among others. In addition, sev-
• Promote the accelerated transformation and upgrad- eral new-energy vehicles and fork-lift trucks manufacturers
ing of the processing trade, and encourage domestic will also be housed in the area.
and foreign enterprises to cooperate in the expansion
from simple assembly and processing to the inclusion e West Coast Economic Zone (also known as the
of R&D, design, core component manufacturing, Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone) covers the entirety
and logistics; of Fujian province, as well as several cities in the Zhejiang,
Guangdong, and Jiangxi provinces. e Zone, described in
• Restrict the export of high-energy consumption, China’s 12th Five Year Plan, was proposed by the Fujian gov-
high-pollution and resource-intensive products; ernment and Chinese central government with the purpose
of facilitating political and economic relationships across the
• Encourage the import of advanced equipment and Taiwan Straits and accelerating economic development along
technologies, important resources, key component the coastal cities in Fujian province.
parts and goods for daily consumption that are neces-
sary for economic development so as to optimize the