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5 Special Report on the State of Business in South China

“Increasing in ation,” as in past years, was identi ed as participants indicated that “RMB appreciation” would have
the largest projected negative in uence on future opera- a “Somewhat positive e ect” or “Signi cant positive e ect”
tions, followed by “Increasing minimum wage standards” and on their business—a similar, but less pronounced, result to
“Tight monetary policies.” Although no category achieved a last year’s.
positive rating by a majority of participants, 30.5 percent of

Q: In your opinion, what are the top 5 Q: In your opinion, what will be the
challenges that hinder or limit your top 5 challenges over the coming 3
company’s opportunities for growth years that will hinder or limit your
in South China? company’s opportunities for growth
in South China?
1. Regulatory issues (Chinese government)
2. Local competition 1. Regulatory issues (Chinese government)
3. Rising labor costs
4. Lack of quali able managerial and specialist talent 2. Local competition
5. Foreign competition
3. Rising labor costs
Asked to identify their top business challenges from a list
of 14 common issues, participants once again listed “Regula- 4. Lack of quali able managerial and specialist talent
tory issues (Chinese government, for example: tax, customs,
or regulations of industries)” as their primary concern in both 5. Lack of quali able general personnel
the 1- and 3-year timeframes.
e second and third most common concerns—“Local
is has been the case since 2006, suggesting that busi- competition” and “Rising labor costs”—are also placed identi-
nesses are not much more con dent in China’s overall regula- cally for the 1- and 3-year timelines, making the replacement
tory transparency today than they were nearly a decade ago. of “Foreign competition” over the coming year with “Lack of
quali able personnel (general)” for the 3-year time frame the
only change in rankings between the two intervals.

ese rankings are identical to last year’s.

Q: Has your company made speci c preparations for emergency situations, such as
a potential outbreak of Avian In uenza (“Bird u”) or an earthquake or other
natural disaster?

Yes No Yes No e proportion of participants reporting some sort of pro-
(62%) (38%) (59%) (41%) grammatic emergency response preparation has grown for the
fourth consecutive year—albeit slightly—to reach 61.8 per-
2015 2014 cent, up from 4N8opercent in 2012 and 35 percent in 2011.
Y(5e7s%)Similarly (t4o3%l)ast year, descriptions of response schemes
provided by study participants included alternate supply
chains and even backup product lines and insurance policies,
in addition to preventative measures such as hygiene training
201a3nd remote work procedures.

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