Dear Members, Join Hong Kong Promotional Symposium of 2017 China International Fair for Investment & Trade 2017厦门国际投资ó易洽谈会推介会 |
11:00-13:30, TUE, July 4th Grand Ballroom, Lower Lobby, Conrad Hong Kong Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong 7月4日 11:00-13:30 香港金钟道88号太古广场丽港酒店五¥大礼堂 Language: Chinese/English 中英文同传 Limited Space, Members Priority FREE OF CHARGE Agenda会议流程 1. Address by of the head of Trade Office of the Economic Affairs Department, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HK SAR;香港中联办经济部ó易处领导致辞 2. Address by Government Representative of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;香港特别行政区政府代表致辞 3. Speech by Mr. Wang Qiongwen, Deputy Director General of Liaison Department of 2017 CIFIT?Xiamen Organizing Committee, Director General of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Convention and Exhibition Affairs;2017厦洽会组委会联络部副部长、厦门市会议展览事务局局长王琼文致辞 4. Presentation by 2017 CIFIT?Xiamen Guest Country of Honor-Georgia by Mr. David Aptsiauri, Ambassador to China;厦洽会主宾国格³吉亚代表-格³吉亚驻华大使大卫?阿普恰乌力致辞; 5. Promotion by Mr. Hong Benzhu, Deputy Director General of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce;厦门市商务局副局长洪本祝推介厦门市投资环境与政策
CIFIT is the world’s largest investment expo co-sponsored by six international economic organizations, including UNCTAD, UNIDO, WTO, OECD, IFC and WAIPA. In view of the growing trend of international investment cooperation, themed by “Introducing FDI” and “Going Global”, integrating exhibition, forums and seminars, B2B project matchmaking, high-end protocol meeting, investment salon and etc., the 2017 CIFIT Xiamen focuses on tangible business effect as well as investment policy and environment promotion. The 2017 CIFIT-Xiamen will receive overseas visitors from government institutions, investment promotion agencies, business associations and multinational corporations from over 100 countries and regions as well as over 50000 business professionals and government officials from more than 300 major cities in China. Over 1500 correspondents from hundreds of domestics and foreign media organizations will extensively cover the fair. Look forward to see you there! 2017厦门国际投资ó易洽谈会(简称“厦洽会”)是在成功举办了十九届中国国际投资ó易洽谈会(简称“投洽会”)基础上的进一步升华和延续,由联合国ó发会议、联合国工发组织、世界ó易组织、经合组织、世界投资促进机构协会、世界银行国际金融公司等六大国际组织参与协办的全球规模最大的国际投资促进盛会,将于今年9月18日-21日在中国厦门举行。2017厦洽会将紧扣国际资本流动新趋势和全球产业发展最新动向,Χ绕着展览展示、论坛研讨、项目洽谈三大版块开展丰富多彩的双向/多向投资促进活动,是世界各国投资者找寻商机的重要平台! 2017厦洽会将吸引100多个国家和地区的政府投资促进机构、商(协)会、跨国公司等境外机构和客商参加;来自中国31个省、自治区、直辖市的300多个中心城市的政府代表及5万多名工商界精英出席;境内外数百家主流ý体,1500多名财经记者全程跟踪报道。 期待您的参与! Harley Seyedin President |
Xiamen Municipal Government The Organizing Committee of China International Fair for Investment & Trade Click here to visit the official website Co- Organizer: The American Chamber of Commerce In South China |
For more information, please contact |
Please complete the registation form and return it by email to events-b@amcham-southchina.org or by fax to (86-20) 8332-1642 before June 27th. Thank you! □ Yes I would like to join Hong KONG Promotional Symposium & Banquet of CIFIT on July 4th, 2017:
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China, 2017 |