Organized By AmCham South China 华南美国商会 Supported By Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Commerce 广州市商务委 Guangzhou Municipal Office, SAT 广州市国税局 Guangzhou Customs 广州海关
Dear Members, Join AmCham Roundtable with Guangzhou Municipal Office on Investment environment in Guangzhou (the "Business Tax Replaced with VAT” and other relevant policies and measure) 广州:机遇之城 2016投资与营商环境圆桌会议 |
15:30-18:00, August 23rd, 2016 Grand Ballroom B Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich No.988 Guangzhou Da Dao Zhong, Tianhe District 天河区广州大道东988号广州圣丰索菲特大酒店B宴会厅 FREE OF CHARGE免费参与 LIMITED SEATING 席λ有限 AMCHAM MEMBER PRIORITY会员优先 CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETATION中英交传 Agenda会议议程 15:30-16:00 Registration 签到 16:00-16:10 Opening 主持人介绍双方到场嘉宾 市商务委介绍广州投资环境和新机遇 市国税局介绍“营改增”政策要点 18:00-21:00 Event optional: AmCham Guangzhou Ice Breaking Click here for registration information 可选活动:华南美国商会广州新会员欢迎酒会 点击此处获取报名信息及报名
I'm pleased to invite to you to attend the AmCham Roundtable with Guangzhou Municipal Office on Investment environment in Guangzhou (the "Business Tax Replaced with VAT” and other relevant policies and measure) on August 23rd! Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Commerce, Guangzhou Municipal Office, SAT, Guangzhou Customs (to be determined) will attend the meeting to introduce the investment environment in Guangzhou and other relevant policies and measures. It will be a good chance for you to learn the newest policies and measures to invest in Guangzhou! 很高兴邀请您参加8月23日举办的广州:机遇之城――2016投资与营商环境圆桌会议! 届时,广州市商务委、广州市国税局、广州海关(待定)等部门拟出席会议,并详细介绍有关于投资广州最前沿的资讯以及“营改增”等最新政策。这将是一个很好的了解广州投资政策的机会! I will see you there! 期待您的参与! With best regards, Harley Seyedin President |
For more information, please contact AmCham South China at (86-20) 8335-1476 |
Please complete the form and return it by email to events-b@amcham-southchina.org before August 19th. *This event requires confirmation of attendance in advance. □ I would like to join AmCham Roundtable with Guangzhou Municipal Office on August 23rd!
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China, 2016 |