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Speakers ½晓霖 仕邦集团 Founder of the heart Welfare Department 心福利事业部创始人 郭宏伟 迈图高新材料集团 战略薪酬总监
Dear Members, Join AmCham Seminar on How to apply HR New Welfare Model to the workplace to attract younger generations
如何用新型福利模式驱动人心 |
14:00-17:00, July 28th, 2016 Registration: 14:00-14:30 签到时间:14:00-14:30 Guangzhou Dongfang Hotel (120 Liu Hua Road,Guangzhou) 广州市流花·120号东方宾馆8¥东方厅 FREE OF CHARGE免费参与 LIMITED SEATING 席λ有限 AMCHAM MEMBER PRIORITY会员优先 Every attendee can get one online shopping coupon valued 100RMB (Each company only allow to get two coupons) 与会者将获得一张价值100人民币的网上购物积分卡 (ÿ一企业限领两张代金券)
A lot of people from the generations of 80s and 90s enter the workplaces. These generations are no longer only care about the material well-being. They begin to ask for a different welfare model in working places. How can the HR motivate people with the new welfare pattern? In this seminar, we can learn cases from IT companies about how to design and deliver the welfare products to its younger employees. 随着员工年龄结构发生变化,新生代的员工已经不在乎福利的物质属性,而10年不变的预算,更是无法从物质层面打动员工,如何让员工感受到公司的福利存在,如何设计福利产品,让员工更有归属感,听听互联网公司是怎ô实现的。 Agenda会议议程 Ø Case study Ø 案例分析
Ø How to satisfy employees with low welfare cost? Ø 现行员工福利成本基本是10年前定的预算,并无大幅提升,员工普遍无感,如何让员工更满意? Ø How to make use of social platforms that allow its users to create personalized news to promote welfare? Ø 移动互联网时代,员工更在意朋友圈的内容,如何让福利成为一场秀? Ø Flexible benefits are demanded or just for fun? Ø 弹性福利,是变相需求?还是有趣? Ø How can welfare reflect your company values? Ø 福利,如何正向引导企业的价值观 Ø How can medical welfare combine with motivator to attract new working generations? Ø 作为保健因子的福利,如何结合激励因子的激励一起协同发挥更大的作用 Ø How to use our welfare platform? Ø 全国分支机构,如何使用统一的福利平台 I’m pleased to invite to you to attend the seminar on How to apply HR New Welfare Model on workplace to attract younger generations on July 28th! As the leading age of employees in talent market are becoming younger and younger, it is time for HR to think about how to attract young people to join their company. The heart welfare department of Seebon has been working on new welfare model for years. In this seminar, successful cases will be introduced to all our audiences. 很高?搜?肽?μ?7月28日举办的80/90后大规模涌入职场,员工年龄迭代,如何用新型福利模?角??诵难刑只幔?
I will see you there! 期待您的参与! With best regards, Harley Seyedin President |
For more information, please contact AmCham South China at (86-20) 8335-1476 |
Please complete the form and return it by email to events-b@amcham-southchina.org before July 25. *This event requires confirmation of attendance in advance. Each company only allow to get two coupons in this event.
□ I would like to join AmCham Seminar on How to apply HR New Welfare Model on workplace to attract younger generations on July 28th!
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China, 2016 |