Speaker: Royce Shih 施振源 Vice President of Asia Pacific Sales and Marketing PR Newswire Asia 美通社亚太地区销售和市场副总裁
Dear Members, Join AmCham and PR Newswire Seminar on 与华南美国商会和美通社共同探讨: Boost Your PR and Marketing Through Content and Channels (in Shenzhen) 如何通过内容及发布渠道 提升公关传播与营销效果(深圳) |
14:00-16:00, July. 9th, THU, 2015 14:00-16:00, 7月9日, 星期四
Function Room,3rd floor,Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, High-tech Industrial Park,Nanshan District,Shenzhen 深圳南山区科技园南区科苑南?留学生创业大厦3¥多功能厅 FREE FOR MEMBER RMB 50 FOR NON-MEMBER LIMITED SEATS, AMCHAM MEMBER PRIORITY 会员免费,非会员须支付50元 名额有限,会员优先 Main focus: ●The changing media landscape and corporate communication trends.ý体变化、行业变化的情况 ●Why Content is the Core Strategy in Your Integrated PR and Marketing Strategies. 内容是公关与营销的核心策略 ●How to drive PR/Marketing through better content and channels in terms of B2B and B2C industries 如何策划并执行一个以内容为核心的传播案例(B2B、B2C) ●An overview of 7S Model and RESULTS model on ROI on corporate communication 企业传播的7S模型、衡量内容效果的RESULTS模型 Schedule: 14:00-14:30 Registration and Networking 签到与交流 14:45-15:30 Presentation by Mr. Royce Shih施振源先生演讲 15:30-16:00 Q&A and Conclusion 现场问答 I am pleased to invite you to join the Seminar on How to Boost Your PR and Marketing Through Content and Channels! The media landscape is changing rapidly due to the fast growth of Internet and Mobile, so is PR and Marketing industry. The professionals are faced with multiple ways of efficiently improving the brand awareness and attracting attention. Among these, content is the key strategy. Why? How does one get the most use of company and community generated content in a short amount of time? How can we propel our blogs, news, and ideas to boost attention? PR Newswire’s VP of Asia-Pacific Sales & Marketing, Royce Shih, will introduces you to the importance of content and its impacts across B2B and B2C companies. Also share best practices and case studies through the adoption of multimedia and syndication. See you there! 我很高兴能够再次邀请各λ参加本次关于“如何通过内容提升公关传播与营销效果”研讨会! 过去一两年由于互联网发展带来的剧烈的ý体变化,以及公关营销行业的快速发展,使得业界人士ÿ天面对无数的传播手段和工具。在运用整合传播的策略时,大部分业内人士的共识是,内容永远是公关与营销的核心策略。原因何在?内容及内容渠道是如何展现其强大生命力和影响力的?美通社亚太销售和市场副总裁施振源(Royce Shih)会与您探讨上述话题及其对B2B和B2C企业的影响,并通过案例来分享其中的最佳实践。 期待你的参与!
Harley Seyedin 哈利 President 华南美国商会会长 美国商会亚太地区理事会中国事务副主席 赛德全球太平洋总裁 |
For more information, please contact AmCham South China at (86-20) 8335-1476 更多资讯,请联系华南美国商会办公室,电话 (86-20) 8335-1476 |
Please complete the form and return it by email to events-a@amcham-southchina.org before July.3rd.请填妥下列表格并在7月3日前发送至events-a@amcham-southchina.org 进行报名。 □I would like to join the seminar on Boost Your PR and Marketing Through Content and Channels on July. 9th, 2015! □我报名参加7月9日“通过内容和发布途径提升公关传播与营销效果”研讨会。
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