This is Your Invitation to Get the Most Advanced Packaging Technology Available in the U.S. Market 诚邀您参加华南美国商会赴美代表团,走进最新技术,空前的交流机会以及世界级的培训项目,尽在: You are Invited to Join AmCham Delegation to PACK EXPO International 美国国际包装机械 博览会
A U.S. Trade Show Certified by the U.S. Department of Commerce International Buyer Program 由美国商务部国际买家项目认证的ó易盛会 |
Nov 2-5, 2014, Chicago, USA 2014年11月2-5日,美国芝加哥市
RMB17850/人 (双人房) RMB24850/人 (单人房) (包括:当地交通,翻译服务,4晚国际五星级酒店,展会参观游览 不包括:来回机票,美国签证申请费,自费项目等) (λ置有限,报名从速,9月26日截止报名)
5 Reasons Attending PACK EXPO International is ESSENTIAL to your success: 助您成功――5个必须出席美国国际包装机械博览会的理由 l EFFICIENCY ?C Where else can you compare practically every processing and packaging solution out there―from 1,800+ suppliers―all in one place with your own personal interpreter? 效率:只有在这里您才能实际的比对ÿ一个供货商提供的加工及包装工艺。超过1800个的供货商,尽在这里。 l ENERGY ?C There’s nothing like watching processing and packaging innovations in action, holding materials and containers in your hands and examining equipment side by side. 能量:这里û有所ν的眼看手勿动。所有的包装创新都付诸行动,自己动手,拿起材料,面对面和参展商检测设备吧。 l EDGE ?C Staying competitive means walking the same show floor your competitors are walking, latching on to the latest trends, and getting strategies that work from industry experts. 优势:保持竞争力意ζ着您和您的对手步调一致。紧跟潮流,并获得行业专家的策略吧。 l EXCITEMENT ?C Witness the unveiling of breakthrough technologies, see what new robots can do, try your hand at the latest in automation, get ideas from engineers in other industries. 振奋:目睹突破性技术的诞生,看看新型机器人能否大展拳脚,亲自操作最新的自动化机器,从其他行业的专家那里获得灵感吧! l ENGAGEMENT ?C You’ll get the face time you need to problem-solve on the spot and build strong business partnerships with suppliers. 契约:您将在现场面对面解决问题,并与供货商结成稳固的伙伴关系。
You can also: 您还可以: ü Get the Most Advanced Technology Available in the U.S. Market 获取美国市场最先进的现成技术 ü Join together with Substantial Corporate Representatives 与众多公司代表一起参观 ü Meet with Government Agents & Associations 会见政府代表以及协会 ü Visit AmCham Member Companies 参观美国商会会员公司
Tentative Schedule 行程:
PACK EXPO International is the event that defines the latest developments in packaging machinery, processing machinery, converting machinery, materials, packages and containers, and components. The most prominent companies in the industry will be exhibiting and making product introductions at the show. PACK EXPO International is a biennial event (every other year)―ideal timing for important industry updates and new technology. Pack Expo is also the largest pack exhibition fair in North America. 46,000 industry prefessionals are expected, including nearly 5000 international visitors from more than 130 countries. I n 2012, PACK EXPO has attracted 1968 exhibitors and 45338 attendees, PACK EXPO International 2014 will feature 2,000+ companies utilizing over 1.1 million net square feet of exhibit space. PACK EXPO International is the ultimate place to experience technology in action, explore what’s possible and encounter ingenious ideas from other markets. I’m pleased to invite you to join AmCham delegation to this trade show, to discover, acquire the overseas business opportunities and latest technologies in most concentrated, efficient and shortest time.
美国国际包装机械博览会将集中展示包装机械,加工机械,包装容器,包装材料,包装产品及元器件等领域最先进的成果。美国国际包装 机械博览会ÿ两年举办一次,ÿ次都吸引了行业中最杰出的公司前来展示其生产的各种设备及产品,是您及时了解业内新动向新技术的一次极佳机会。美国国际包装机械博览会同时也是北美地区最大的包装类展会。46000λ来自超过130个国家的与会者将有望出席本次展会,其中包括超过5000λ国际来访者。
Harley Seyedin President 华南美国商会会长 美国商会亚太地区理事会中国事务副主席 赛德全球太平洋总裁
欲了解更多信息,请联系华南美国商会办公室 (86-20) 8335-1476 |
请填写以下报名表格并电邮至events-b@amcham-southchina.org or传真至 (86-20) 8332-1642.
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China, 2014 |