Dear Members, 

Call For Care Packages to help Alleviate Poverty for the 118 Poverty Stricken People in Zhang Dong Keng Village of Zeng Cheng City


Visit the Village on November 29th

Pursue Investment Opportunities


What you can do:

l        Donate any excess inventory or services or anything that may help Zhang Dong Keng Village捐赠任何能帮助樟洞坑村脱贫的物资或服务

What we can offer:

l        Company Logo on the backdrop of Press Conference新闻发布会背景板展示企业标识

l        Join Guangdong media, government officials, and AmCham senior business executives to visit Zhang Dong Keng village  与广东省媒体、市政府领导及美商会企业高层代表慰问增城市樟洞坑村

l         Company Logo and name on the banner of visit to Zhang Dong Keng Village增城市樟洞坑村慰问活动的横幅展示企业标识及名称

l         Company name listed on the Special Additional issue of the AmCham South China Business Journal on Dec. 《华南商务快讯》12月特刊展示企业名称


Click to get more information about the charity project 

I sincerely ask for your help for AmCham South China’s effort to help alleviate poverty in Zhang Dong Keng Village of Zeng Cheng city. You can offer any excess inventory or services or anything that may help Zhang Dong Keng Village.


All in-kind donations will be distributed to 118 people of Zhang Dong Keng Village, who live under the poverty line with annual average income 3,500RMB, during our visit to Zhang Dong Keng Village on Nov 29th. This trip will also highlight investment opportunities which can be profitable while creating jobs in that area.


With best regards,


Harley Seyedin

The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
Vice Chairman, China Affairs
The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce

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For more information, please contact

AmCham South China at (86-20) 8335-1476.

Please complete the below form and return it by email to or by fax to (86-20) 8332-1642 before Nov 21. Thank you!

       Yes, we would like to donate care packages for Zhang Dong Keng Village:

Company Name



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Donation Information



The American Chamber of Commerce in South China, 2012